Language File
config.langs.en = {
timeLocale = "en-US", --
devNoShopName = "Store Name Cannot Be Empty!",
devLoading = "Loading...",
devMenuHeader = "Developer Menu",
devVehicleListLabel = "Default Vehicle List",
devVehicleListDesc = "Customize the default vehicle list to easily edit it when creating a new store.",
devVehicleListButton = "Vehicle List",
devVehicleEditHeader = "Edit Default Vehicles",
devMenuEditHeader = "Created Stores",
devMenuEditDesc = "Manage created stores.",
devVehicleCreateLabel = "Create Store",
devVehicleCreateDesc = "Create a New Store.",
devVehicleCreateInput = "Store Name",
devVehicleCreateButton = "Create",
devMenuBussy = "Another admin is currently using the developer menu! Server ID: %s",
devVehicleModelAlreadyAdded = "This Vehicle Model is Already Added! ID: {0}",
devDefaultStock = "Default Stock",
devDefaultPrice = "Default Price",
devDefaultClass = "Default Caregory",
devStockSystem = "Stock System",
devPrice = "Price",
devStock = "Stock",
devStockDesc = "The number of vehicle stocks in the store. If the NPC store is active, this value decreases when the store owner buys a vehicle; otherwise, it decreases when regular players buy a vehicle. If the value reaches zero, no more vehicles can be purchased!",
devShopNonNpcStock = "Store Stock",
devShopNonNpcStockDesc = "The number of vehicles purchased by the store owner. When the store owner buys a vehicle, this number increases, and the stock value decreases. If the stock reaches zero, the store owner cannot buy more vehicles! If the store stock runs out, players can't buy vehicles!",
devShopName = "Store",
devModel = "Vehicle Model",
devAddVehicle = "Add",
devVehicleListNoVehicle = "No Vehicle",
devClass = "{0}",
devClassText = "Caregory",
devNoModelError = "No Such Vehicle Model Exists!",
devNoModelError2 = "You Didn't Write a Vehicle Model!",
devLowPrice = "Money Cannot Be Less Than Zero",
noPriceError = "You Didn't Enter an Amount of Money",
devLowStock = "Stock Cannot Be Less Than Zero",
devNoStockError = "You Didn't Enter a Stock Money Amount",
devNoClassError = "You Didn't Select a Caregory Type",
devFilterHightId = "Highest ID",
devFilterLowId = "Lowest ID",
devFilterHighPrice = "Highest Price",
devFilterLowPrice = "Lowest Price",
devFilterAtoZClass = "Caregory A to Z",
devFilterZtoAClass = "Caregory Z to A",
devFilterAtoZModel = "Model A to Z",
devFilterZtoAModel = "Model Z to A",
devIdLabel = "ID",
devModelLabel = "Model",
devSearch = "Search...",
devShopEdit = "Edit",
devShopCopy = "Copy",
devShopEditHeader = "Edit Store",
devShopEditNotSet = "Not Set!",
devShopEditTeleport = "Teleport",
devShopEditSet = "Set",
devShopEditVehicleHeader = "Vehicles",
devShopEditVehicleDesc = "Edit the vehicles in the gallery, add stock, and adjust prices",
devShopEditVehicleButton = "Vehicles",
devShopEditShopInsideCarSpawnHeader = "Vehicle Inspection Location",
devShopEditShopInsideCarSpawnDesc = "The location where vehicles will spawn when the menu is opened",
devShopEditNpcShopHeader = "NPC Store",
devShopEditNpcShopDesc = "Turn the gallery into an NPC store or leave it under the management of a player!",
devShopEditTestDriveHeader = "Test Drive",
devShopEditTestDriveDesc = "When the test drive is active, players can test vehicles for a specified fee",
devShopEditTestDrivePriceHeader = "Test Drive Fee",
devShopEditTestDrivePriceDesc = "The fee to be paid for the test drive",
devShopEditTestDrivePricePlaceholder = "100",
devShopEditJobNameHeader = "Job Name",
devShopEditJobNameDesc = "Edit the job that will manage the store!",
devShopEditSellPercentageHeader = "Profit Percentage",
devShopEditSellPercentageDesc = "The percentage amount that will be transferred to the store's safe from vehicle sales",
devShopEditSellPercentagePlaceholder = "Max 100, Min 10",
devShopEditJobNamePlaceholder = "job_name1",
devShopEditBlipLabelnHeader = "Store Blip Name",
devShopEditBlipLabelnDesc = "The name of the store that will appear on the blip",
devShopEditBlipLabelPlaceholder = "Blip Name",
devShopEditBlipLocationHeader = "Blip Location",
devShopEditBlipLocationDesc = "Set the location of the blip that will appear on the map!",
devShopEditBlipTypeHeader = "Blip Type",
devShopEditBlipTypeDesc = "Set the type of the blip!",
devShopEditBlipTypeLabel = "Type No.{0}",
devShopEditBlipColorHeader = "Blip Color",
devShopEditBlipColorDesc = "Set the color of the blip!",
devShopEditBlipColorLabel = "Color No.{0}",
devShopEditBossLocationHeader = "Boss Menu Location",
devShopEditBossLocationDesc = "Set the location of the boss menu",
devShopEditEmployeeMenuHeader = "Employee Menu",
devShopEditEmployeeMenuDesc = "Set the location of the employee menu",
devShopEditBuySpawnLocationHeader = "Spawn Location of bought vehicle",
devShopEditBuySpawnLocationDesc = "The location where the vehicle will spawn when purchased",
devShopEditDriveSpawnLocationHeader = "Test Drive Vehicle Spawn Location",
devShopEditDriveSpawnLocationDesc = "The location where the vehicle will spawn when tested",
devShopReturnVehiceActiveHeader = "Vehicle Return",
devShopReturnVehiceActiveDesc = "Allows players to return the vehicles they purchased",
devShopEditReturnVehicleLocationHeader = "Vehicle Return Location",
devShopEditReturnVehicleLocationDesc = "Players can return their unwanted vehicle to the gallery at this location",
devShopEditReturnVehiclePercentageHeader = "Return Percentage",
devShopEditReturnVehiclePercentageDesc = "The percentage of the vehicle price that the player can get back when returning the vehicle",
devShopEditReturnVehiclePercentagePlaceholder = "Max 100, Min 0",
devShopEditTabletLocationHeader = "Tablet Locations",
devShopEditTabletLocationDesc = "Players can access the store from these locations",
devShopEditTabletLocationButton = "Add New Location",
devShopEditShowroomCarLocationHeader = "Vehicle Showroom Locations",
devShopEditShowroomCarLocationDesc = "You can add vehicles that spawn in the desired parts of the map",
devShopEditShowroomCarLocationButton = "Add New Location",
devShopEditChangeCoord = "Change Coordinate",
devPopupDeleteAsk = "Are You Sure You Want to Delete the Store?",
shopHeader = "VEHICLE STORE",
shopHeaderDesc = "The road to your dreams starts from this store! Whichever vehicle you choose, it will take you to the peak of speed, power, and freedom. Choose the best now, become the master of the roads! Remember, life is a race, and the winners are those who drive the best cars!",
manufacturerAll = "All Brands",
popupYes = "Yes",
popupNo = "No",
defaultBlipName = "Gallery",
tabletText = "Gallery",
bossMenuText = "Boss Operations",
employeeMenuText = "Employee Menu",
returnMenuText = "Vehicle Return",
shopClass = "{0}",
maxSpeed = "Maximum Speed Score",
maxBraking = "Braking Power",
acceleration = "Acceleration",
price = "Price",
totalSeat = "Seat Count",
testDriveButton = "Test Drive",
testDriveDesc = "Do you want to test the vehicle for {1} seconds for ${0}?",
buyButton = "Buy",
buyButtonDesc = "Do you want to buy the vehicle for ${0}?",
setColor = "Change Color",
shopStock = "Only {0} Left",
shopUnlimitedStock = "Unlimited Stock",
shopZeroStock = "Out of Stock",
shopFilterPlaceHolder = "Vehicle Model",
shopFilterAllClass = "All Caregories",
shopNoVehicle = "No Available Vehicle!",
testDriveStarted = "%s Second Test Drive Started",
testDriveSecond = "%s Seconds",
noMoney = "You Don't Have Enough Money!",
noJobMoney = "Your Job Safe Doesn't Have Enough Money!",
escToClose = "ESC to close",
spawnPointNotClear = "The Vehicle Cannot Be Purchased Due to Another Vehicle at the Purchase Point",
buyNoStock = "Out of Stock for the Vehicle",
unlimitedStockError = "The stock for this vehicle is already unlimited. You cannot purchase additional stock",
buyAddStock = "Vehicle added to stock",
noInCarError = "You Must Be Inside a Vehicle to Return",
noDriverError = "For returning you have to sit in driver seat!",
noBelongYou = "The Vehicle doesn't belong to you",
returnNullVehicleData = "You can't return this Vehicle",
returnVehicleMenuHeader = "Return Vehicle",
returnVehicleMenuCancel = "Cancel",
returnVehicleMenuSell = "Return Vehicle ($%s)",
returnSuccess = "Vehicle returned",
bossMenuHeader = "Boss Menu",
bossMenuBossActions = "Boss actions",
bossMenuLog = "Store Log",
logMenuHeader = "Store Logs",
logMenuNoLog = "No Logs to see!",
logMenuVehiclePrice = "Price",
logMenuRemoveMoney = "Spent amount",
logMenuJobMoney = "Earned amount",
logMenuPlayerName = "Name Lastname",
logMenucustumerBought = "Sold Vehicles",
logMenuaddStock = "Vehicle added to stock",
logMenureturn = "Returned Vehicles",
logMenuDate = "Date",
helpMove = "Press left click to move camera",
helpScrooll = "Scroll to zoom in-out",
--Discord Logs
logHacker1 = "Vehicle return failed, vehicle entity not found (NetId: %s)",
logHacker2 = "Attempt to sell a vehicle not owned by the player (Plate: %s)",
logHacker3 = "Attempt to sell a vehicle not available in the gallery (vehId: %s)",
logHacker4 = "Failed to delete the vehicle being returned from the database (Plate: %s)",
logReturnVehicle = "Vehicle Returned (Plate: %s, Model: %s, Price: %s)",
logBuyVehicle1 = "Purchased vehicle from NPC store (Shopname: %s, ShopId: %s, Model: %s, Price: %s)",
logBuyVehicle2 = "Store employee purchased vehicle for stock (Shopname: %s, ShopId: %s, Model: %s, Price: %s)",
logBuyVehicle3 = "Purchased vehicle from a staffed store (Shopname: %s, ShopId: %s, Model: %s, Price: %s)",
Last updated