Language File
config.langs.en = {
storage = "Storages",
openStash = "View Storage",
buyed = "Storage Rented",
plsTypePassword = "You Must Set a Password",
plsTypePassword2 = "You Must Enter a Password",
passwordWrong = "Password Incorrect",
passwordChanged = "Password Changed! Your New Password: ",
reBuyed = "Storage Rented Again",
canReBuyText = "You Can Rent the Storage Again. Earliest On %s",
noMoney = "You Don't Have Enough Money!",
noMoreBuy = "You Can't Purchase More Storage!",
id = "ID",
storageName = "Storage Name",
storageLvl = "Level",
storageSlots = "Number of Slots",
openStorage = "Open Storage",
noStorage = "No Available Storage",
noStorageDesc = "No active or with the desired features storages found!",
enterPassword = "Enter Password",
enterPasswordDesc = "Please enter your storage access password to proceed. For your security, your password should only be known by authorized personnel.",
cancel = "Cancel",
confirm = "Confirm",
headerBoss = "Storage Management",
headerMain = "Storages",
searchPlaceholder = "Search Storage",
headerOpen = "Open Storage",
logOut = "Log Out",
buyStorage = "Rent New Storage",
buyStorageDesc = "Enter the required details to create a new storage. The name and settings of the storage are important for easy access and management in the future.",
storageNamePlaceholder = "New Storage Name",
passwordPlaceholder = "Password",
password2Placeholder = "Repeat Password",
passwordMatchError = "Passwords Do Not Match",
passwordOldError = "Old Password Incorrect",
passwordOldPlaceholder = "Old Password",
passwordNew1Placeholder = "New Password",
passwordNew2Placeholder = "Repeat New Password",
changePassword = "Change Password",
changePasswordDesc = "For your security, update your password regularly. Make sure your new password is strong and hard to guess.",
buy = "Rent",
sellStorage = "Do You Want to Sell the Storage for ${0}",
yes = "Yes",
bossSellStorage = "Sell Storage",
bossSellStorageDesc = "You can earn some money by selling the storage. However, all the upgrades you made and items inside will be permanently deleted!",
bossRent = "Pay Rent",
bossRentDesc = "The due date for paying the storage rent is approaching. If you don’t pay on time, your rights to the storage will be lost after the deadline.",
bossLastRentData = "Last Payment Date {0}",
bossOpenStash = "Open Storage",
bossOpenStashDesc = "Click to access the storage. You can manage all your items inside.",
currentLvl = "Level",
nextLvl = "Next Level",
upgrade = "Upgrade Storage",
upgradeDesc = "Materials Needed for Upgrade",
upgradeButton = "Upgrade Storage",
storageLastLvl = "Storage Max Level",
upgradeHeader = "Storage",
upgradeLvl = "Level",
upgradeWarningMsg = "Warning! When you upgrade the storage, all upgrades and items inside will be permanently deleted if the storage is sold or rent is unpaid.",
upgradeSlots = "Number of Slots",
upgradeWeight = "Weight Limit",
upgradeMaxHeader = "Upgrade",
upgradeMaxText = "Max. Level",
upgradeMaxDesc = "You Have Reached the Maximum Level! No Further Upgrades Can Be Made",
upgradeErrorItem = "You Don't Have All Required Items",
upgradeErrorMoney = "You Don't Have Enough Money",
upgradeSuccess = "Storage Upgraded",
Last updated