Config file
- this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using
setjobamount - Set Player Job Amount
resetjobcd - Reset Player Job Cd
tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
Config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
Config.jobTime = 900000 -- 900000(15 minute) Job time
Config.penaltyTime = 900000 -- job cancel time
Config.maxjobsbAmount = 13 -- amount of work that can be done until the job is reset
-- The number of jobs the player has to do in 15 minutes(Config.jobTime) to get paid
Config.minTotalComplatedJob = 12
Config.customMinTotalComplatedJob = {
["construction"] = {
--[1] = 12,
--[2] = 15,
[3] = 6
["truck"] = {
[1] = 12,
["construction"] = {
[1] = 12,
["diver"] = {
[1] = 12,
--level names appearing in the menu
Config.levelName = {
"Level 1",
"Level 2",
"Level 3"
--amount of money earned by level
Config.giveMoney = {
600, -- Level 1
900, -- Level 2
1200 -- Level 3
Config.text = {
workEarnMoney = "Work and Earn Money",
cancelJob = "Cancel Job",
wantedJob = "For %s Number of Employees Wanted %s",
noWantedJob = "No Employees Wanted for This Job",
finishJob = "Finish Work [ Total Work Done %s ]",
startJob = "Start Job [ %s | Total Jobs Completed %s ]",
earned = "You earned",
noMoney = "I Don't Give Money To Those Who Don't Do Their Jobs Properly",
foundItem = "you found %s %s",
canceledProgbar = "You Canceled",
penalty = "You Can't Work At Your New Job For %s Minutes Because You Canceled Your Old Job",
vehSpawnError = "There is a vehicle at the point where the vehicle spawn",
canceledJob = "You Canceled Job!",
movedTooFar = "Job Canceled Because You Moved Too Far From Your Work Area",
comeBack = "No More Work Needed Come Back!",
cGetTheMaterial = "Get the material",
cGetMaterial = "You Get The Material...",
cGetOther = "Well done Now Go Get the Other!",
CWork = "Work",
CJobComblated = "Job Completed",
cPutMaterialOnGorund = "Put the material on gorund",
cPutMaterialVeh = "Put the materials in the back of the vehicle",
cPutMaterialGround = "Put the materials on the ground behind the vehicle",
cGoBack = "Well Done Go Back Now Bring Other Material",
cWorking = "You are working...",
cLoadMaterial = "Load Materials",
dot = "",
goLocation = "Go to Location on Map",
dWearing = "Wearing",
dTrashTheTrash = "Trash the Trash",
dTrashThrowComplated = "You Throw the Garbage in the Trash",
dPickUpTrash = "Pick up the trash",
dPickUpTrashComplated = "You Picked Up the Trash",
dCarryTrashError = "You Carry Too Much Trash! Throw Trash In The Trash",
dNextPoint = "Go To Next Point",
fFillWater = "Fill the Water",
fFillingWater = "Filling Water",
fGoWaterPlant = "Water Filled! Go Water the Plants!",
fWaterPlant = "Water the plant",
fWaterThePlant = "You Water the Plant...",
fWateredPlant = "You Watered the Plant",
fRefillWater = "Out of Water! Refill Water!",
fCarePlant = "Take Care of the Plant",
fCaringPlant = "You Are Caring for the Plant",
fTookCarePlant = "You took care of the plant",
fPlowField = "Plow the Field",
fYouPlowField = "You Plow The Field",
tGetBorcodes = "Get Barcodes",
tYouGetBarcodes = "You Get Barcodes..",
tGotBarcodes = "You Got Barcodes! Stick Barcodes on Boxes and Containers!",
tPasteBarcode = "Paste Barcode",
tYouOasteBarcode = "You Paste the Barcode...",
tPastedBarcode = "You Pasted the Barcode",
tOutOfBarcode = "You're Out of Barcode! Get Barcode Again!",
tCheckBarcode = "Check The Barcode",
tCheckingBarcode = "You Are Checking The Barcode",
tcheckedBarcode = "You Have Checked The Barcode",
tDliverMaterials = "Deliver the materials",
tYDliverMaterials = "You Deliver Materials...",
Config.farmer = {}
Config.farmer.startCoord = vector4(2029.81, 4980.66, 42.1, 217.03) -- NPC Coord = "Farmer" -- Blip and NPC Name
Config.farmer.ped = `a_m_m_farmer_01` -- NPC Ped
Config.farmer.levels = {0, 10, 20} -- level numbers (Example: 0 and above 1 level, 10 and above 2 level, 20 and above 3 level) | Do not add more than 3 levels = {} = vector4(-510.21, -953.26, 23.8, 198.41) = "Constructor" = `s_m_y_construct_02` = {0, 10, 20}
Config.diver = {}
Config.diver.startCoord = vector4(-1431.58, -1509.24, 3.71, 196.05) = "Diver and Garbageman"
Config.diver.ped = `s_f_y_baywatch_01`
Config.diver.levels = {0, 10, 20}
Config.truck = {}
Config.truck.startCoord = vector4(835.53, -1211.5, 28.01, 276.29) = "Logistics"
Config.truck.ped = `s_m_m_trucker_01`
Config.truck.levels = {0, 10, 20} = {
["farmer"] = {
startText = "Go To The Location On The Map And Fill The Water And Start Watering",
firstBlip = vector3(1959.46, 5056.84, 45.84),
fillWaterCoords = {
{coord = vector3(1957.23, 5054.66, 46.02)},
{coord = vector3(1961.34, 5049.82, 45.56)},
{coord = vector3(1953.19, 5059.66, 45.9)},
waterPlantCoord = {
{coord = vector3(1937.38, 5009.23, 42.71), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1934.97, 5007.03, 43.01), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1932.57, 5004.92, 43.29), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1932.51, 5007.87, 43.4), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1934.66, 5009.63, 43.17), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1936.66, 5011.67, 43.0), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1904.45, 4984.29, 47.99), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1902.57, 4982.45, 48.45), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1900.25, 4980.4, 49.03), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1900.22, 4977.25, 49.39), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1902.81, 4979.83, 48.69), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1905.14, 4981.56, 48.14), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 10, -- chance to find items
randomItems = { -- Items that can be found and their maximum amount
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
--lvl 2
startText = "Go To The Location On The Map And Take Care Of The Plants",
firstBlip = vector3(1934.83, 5016.6, 43.49),
plantCareCoord = {
{coord = vector3(1937.88, 5018.24, 42.96), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1935.45, 5016.15, 43.26), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1933.56, 5014.58, 43.43), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1931.78, 5012.99, 43.58), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1930.86, 5014.85, 43.68), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1932.83, 5016.61, 43.52), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1934.4, 5017.8, 43.41), active = true},
{coord = vector3(1936.28, 5019.65, 43.18), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 15,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
--lvl 3
startText = "Go To The Location On The Map And Start Mowing The Plants With The Tractor",
tractorSpawnCoord = vector4(2038.38, 4971.76, 41.13, 224.75),
tractorCoord = {
{coord = vector3(2045.18, 4964.65, 41.14), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2063.63, 4946.19, 41.09), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2092.15, 4918.1, 41.06), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2068.65, 4933.45, 41.14), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2041.05, 4951.6, 41.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2081.5, 4911.5, 41.12), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2065.29, 4910.95, 41.06), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2029.41, 4937.92, 41.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(2063.36, 4897.84, 41.16), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 20,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
["construction"] = {
--lvl 1
startText = "Take the Materials Behind Me and Drop It Where I Want",
pickUpCoord = {
vector3(-507.97, -941.42, 24.03),
vector3(-506.95, -938.98, 24.07),
vector3(-503.56, -937.43, 24.07),
randomPickUp = 1, -- Don't change
dropItCoord = {
vector3(-474.97, -933.39, 23.67),
vector3(-473.93, -934.81, 23.58),
vector3(-473.4, -936.22, 23.57),
vector3(-473.16, -938.64, 23.57),
vector3(-473.23, -940.27, 23.57),
vector3(-473.3, -942.04, 23.57),
randomDropIt = 1, -- Don't change
randomItemsPercent = 10,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
--lvl 2
startText = "Go to the first floor of the building on my right and get to work",
workCoord = {
{coord = vector3(-493.89, -992.44, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-493.64, -998.76, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-493.64, -1001.22, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-493.64, -1003.59, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-492.52, -1006.63, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-485.4, -1006.63, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-492.13, -1018.51, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-485.06, -1016.61, 29.13), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-494.33, -1015.2, 29.13), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 15,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
--lvl 3
startText = "Pick up Truck and Load Materials and Take to Other Construction",
pickUpCoord = vector3(-473.47, -984.06, 23.55),
scrapSpawnCoord = vector4(-507.12, -959.7, 23.71, 313.51),
dropItCoord = {
vector3(-209.41, -1106.41, 22.67),
vector3(-90.13, -1020.48, 27.65),
vector3(-301.74, -1171.28, 23.2),
vector3(-452.1, -544.65, 25.51)
randomDropIt = 1, -- Don't change
randomItemsPercent = 20,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
["diver"] = {
-- lvl 1
startText = "Pick up the Trash on the Beach",
workCoord = {
{coord = vector3(-1443.74, -1516.09, 1.93), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1435.08, -1522.96, 2.11), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1423.59, -1524.08, 2.14), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1418.07, -1531.72, 2.15), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1410.73, -1527.92, 2.57), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1414.3, -1520.68, 2.57), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1417.12, -1511.69, 2.41), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1439.84, -1523.3, 1.97), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1442.26, -1532.52, 1.69), active = true},
trashCoord = vector3(-1432.3, -1514.56, 2.13),
randomItemsPercent = 10,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
-- lvl 2
startText = "Collect the Trash on the Water with a Special Boat",
suntrapSpawnCoord = vector4(-1468.05, -1535.04, 0.28, 117.23),
workCoord = {
{coord = vector3(-1490.3, -1546.73, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1523.87, -1567.22, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1560.5, -1588.28, 2.24), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1590.97, -1624.96, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1590.72, -1668.83, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1570.57, -1697.23, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1529.6, -1707.4, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1491.85, -1678.44, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1480.3, -1633.61, 2.44), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1480.26, -1590.89, 2.44), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 15,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
-- lvl 3
startText = "Go to the Marked Place on the Map and Collect the Underwater Trash",
suntrapSpawnCoord = vector4(-1468.05, -1535.04, 0.28, 117.23),
firstBlip = vector3(-1782.55, -1281.88, -17.74),
workCoord = {
{coord = vector3(-1786.29, -1272.14, -21.21), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1796.39, -1267.19, -21.55), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1791.23, -1279.97, -20.06), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1751.04, -1279.13, -19.36), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1747.77, -1268.0, -16.94), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1772.99, -1270.19, -19.08), active = true},
{coord = vector3(-1778.19, -1276.24, -17.55), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 20,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
["truck"] = {
-- lvl 1
startText = "Take Barcodes From The Side And Start Pasting",
takeBarcodeCoord = vector3(835.87, -1220.42, 26.03),
pasteBarcodeCoords = {
{coord = vector3(836.93, -1222.53, 26.39), active = true},
{coord = vector3(839.26, -1223.03, 25.97), active = true},
{coord = vector3(840.68, -1223.58, 26.05), active = true},
{coord = vector3(841.33, -1226.9, 26.16), active = true},
{coord = vector3(840.81, -1228.57, 26.19), active = true},
{coord = vector3(837.36, -1229.9, 26.04), active = true},
{coord = vector3(851.73, -1218.49, 25.75), active = true},
{coord = vector3(845.89, -1218.69, 25.93), active = true},
{coord = vector3(840.03, -1218.96, 25.68), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 10,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
-- lvl 2
startText = "Go To The Location On The Map And Check The Barcodes",
firstBlip = vector3(919.91, -1256.89, 25.52),
controlBarcodeCoords = {
{coord = vector3(919.91, -1256.89, 25.52), active = true},
{coord = vector3(919.37, -1258.27, 25.53), active = true},
{coord = vector3(918.56, -1262.32, 25.55), active = true},
{coord = vector3(920.32, -1262.88, 25.54), active = true},
{coord = vector3(919.89, -1264.46, 25.54), active = true},
{coord = vector3(923.34, -1264.4, 25.52), active = true},
{coord = vector3(923.96, -1262.82, 25.51), active = true},
{coord = vector3(927.76, -1258.01, 25.48), active = true},
{coord = vector3(930.02, -1256.8, 25.48), active = true},
{coord = vector3(934.38, -1256.41, 25.51), active = true},
randomItemsPercent = 15,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
-- lvl 3
startText = "Get on the Truck and Go for Distribution",
truckSpawnCoord = vector4(857.25, -1239.18, 26.41, 230.83),
selectedtruckCoord = 1, -- Don't change
truckCoords = {
vector3(729.32, -984.53, 24.38),
vector3(798.13, -736.74, 27.69),
vector3(91.18, -214.39, 54.6),
vector3(-30.2, -87.33, 57.36),
vector3(-441.0, 141.61, 64.82),
vector3(-516.17, 288.47, 83.21),
vector3(-559.52, 301.87, 83.28),
vector3(-698.89, 310.66, 83.09),
vector3(-704.36, -116.64, 37.71),
vector3(-357.24, -435.69, 27.4),
vector3(-267.72, -564.07, 31.38),
vector3(-305.16, -707.51, 29.5),
vector3(-711.68, -868.19, 23.45),
vector3(-574.27, -885.62, 25.81),
vector3(-566.58, -998.08, 22.44),
vector3(-719.1, -1282.37, 5.11),
vector3(-853.17, -1258.5, 5.11),
vector3(-628.67, -1188.68, 14.78),
vector3(-641.05, -1620.9, 25.23),
vector3(-551.46, -1786.51, 22.24),
vector3(-324.5, -1524.34, 27.54),
vector3(-235.24, -1392.53, 31.38),
vector3(26.23, -1414.93, 29.47),
vector3(159.85, -1461.84, 29.25),
vector3(414.19, -1519.4, 29.39),
vector3(765.58, -1412.42, 26.62)
randomItemsPercent = 20,
randomItems = {
{item ="bandage", maxAmount = 3},
Config.jobsAmount = {
["farmer"] = { amount = Config.maxjobsbAmount, label =},
["construction"] = { amount = Config.maxjobsbAmount, label =},
["truck"] = { amount = Config.maxjobsbAmount, label = },
["diver"] = { amount = Config.maxjobsbAmount, label =},
Config.blips = {
coord = Config.farmer.startCoord,
sprite = 408,
colour = 0,
name =,
coord =,
sprite = 408,
colour = 0,
name =,
coord = Config.diver.startCoord,
sprite = 408,
colour = 0,
name =,
coord = Config.truck.startCoord,
sprite = 408,
colour = 0,
name =,
Last updated