Config file
config = {}
config.framework = "esx" -- "esx" - "qb"
config.ShowBlip = true
config.BlipName = "Chop Shop"
config.minPolice = 0
config.startCoolDownPlayerJoinig = true
config.policeAlertPercent = 25
config.clientCooldown = 1800000 -- 30 minutes(1800000)
config.NPCHash = 68070371
config.NPCShop = vector4(-498.75, -1714.1, 18.97, 104.9)
config.NPCName = "Robban"
config.moneyType = "cash" -- "black"
--need to add the items to the database
['battery'] = {['name'] = 'battery', ['label'] = 'Battery', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['airbag'] = {['name'] = 'airbag', ['label'] = 'Air Bag', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['lowradio'] = {['name'] = 'lowradio', ['label'] = 'Low Radio', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['stockrim'] = {['name'] = 'stockrim', ['label'] = 'Stockrim', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['highradio'] = {['name'] = 'highradio', ['label'] = 'High Radio', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['highrim'] = {['name'] = 'highrim', ['label'] = 'Highrim', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['door'] = {['name'] = 'door', ['label'] = 'Vehicle Door', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
['speaker'] = {['name'] = 'speaker', ['label'] = 'Vehilce Speaker', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'battery.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = ''},
config.Items = {
-- İtem name and price
["battery"] = 100,
["airbag"] = 46,
["lowradio"] = 23,
["stockrim"] = 67,
["highradio"] = 25,
["highrim"] = 110,
["door"] = 130,
["speaker"] = 24
function policeAlertFunction()
-- Your Police Alert Event
TriggerEvent("tgiann-policeAlert:alert", "Chopshop")
-- just edit the time, marker-label and progressbar-label
aracParcaNokta = {
{-- front left door
["marker-label"] = "Front Left Door",
["kod-isim"] = "on_sol_kapi",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Door",
["parca-native-no"] = 0,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -558.96,
["y"] = -1696.59,
["z"] = 19.13,
["h"] = 296.08,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = "true",
["seneryo-anim"] = "WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING"
["prop"] = "prop_car_door_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 57005,
["xPos"] = 0.4,
["yPos"] = 0,
["zPos"] = 0,
["xRot"] = 0,
["yRot"] = 270.0,
["zRot"] = 60.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@narcotics@trash",
["prop-name"] = "walk"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "on_sol_kapi_kutu",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- front right door
["marker-label"] = "Front Right Door",
["kod-isim"] = "on_sag_kapi",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Door",
["parca-native-no"] = 1,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.79,
["y"] = -1694.99,
["z"] = 19.2,
["h"] = 120.54,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = true,
["seneryo-anim"] = "WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING"
["prop"] = "prop_car_door_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 57005,
["xPos"] = 0.4,
["yPos"] = 0,
["zPos"] = 0,
["xRot"] = 0,
["yRot"] = 270.0,
["zRot"] = 60.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@narcotics@trash",
["prop-name"] = "walk"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "on_sag_kapi_kutu",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- back left door
["marker-label"] = "Back Left Door",
["kod-isim"] = "arka_sol_kapi",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Door",
["parca-native-no"] = 2,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -558.48,
["y"] = -1697.1,
["z"] = 19.13,
["h"] = 304.72,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = true,
["seneryo-anim"] = "WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING"
["prop"] = "prop_car_door_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 57005,
["xPos"] = 0.4,
["yPos"] = 0,
["zPos"] = 0,
["xRot"] = 0,
["yRot"] = 270.0,
["zRot"] = 60.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@narcotics@trash",
["prop-name"] = "walk"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "arka_sol_kapi_kutu",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- back right door
["marker-label"] = "Back Right Door",
["kod-isim"] = "arka_sag_kapi",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Door",
["parca-native-no"] = 3,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.26,
["y"] = -1695.81,
["z"] = 19.19,
["h"] = 122.01,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = true,
["seneryo-anim"] = "WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING",
["prop"] = "prop_car_door_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 57005,
["xPos"] = 0.4,
["yPos"] = 0,
["zPos"] = 0,
["xRot"] = 0,
["yRot"] = 270.0,
["zRot"] = 60.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@narcotics@trash",
["prop-name"] = "walk"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "arka_sag_kapi_kutu",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- trunk
["marker-label"] = "Trunk",
["kod-isim"] = "bagaj",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Trunk",
["parca-native-no"] = 5,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -555.21,
["y"] = -1697.39,
["z"] = 19.18,
["h"] = 75.46,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = true,
["seneryo-anim"] = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"
["prop"] = "prop_cs_cardbox_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 28422,
["xPos"] = 0.0,
["yPos"] = -0.03,
["zPos"] = 0.0,
["xRot"] = 5.0,
["yRot"] = 0.0,
["zRot"] = 0.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@box_carry@",
["prop-name"] = "idle"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "bagaj_kutula",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- hood
["marker-label"] = "Hood",
["kod-isim"] = "on_kaput",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Hood",
["parca-native-no"] = 4,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -559.76,
["y"] = -1694.32,
["z"] = 19.15,
["h"] = 252.67,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = true,
["seneryo-anim"] = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"
["prop"] = "prop_cs_cardbox_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 28422,
["xPos"] = 0.0,
["yPos"] = -0.03,
["zPos"] = 0.0,
["xRot"] = 5.0,
["yRot"] = 0.0,
["zRot"] = 0.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@box_carry@",
["prop-name"] = "idle"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "on_kaput_kutula",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- radio
["marker-label"] = "Radio",
["kod-isim"] = "radyo",
["time"] = 6500,
["progressbar-label"] = "You're Dismantling the Radio",
["parca-native-no"] = nil,
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -558.72,
["y"] = -1696.33,
["z"] = 19.13,
["h"] = 313.86,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = true,
["seneryo-anim"] = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"
["prop"] = "prop_cs_cardbox_01",
["entity-attach"] = {
["bone"] = 28422,
["xPos"] = 0.0,
["yPos"] = -0.03,
["zPos"] = 0.0,
["xRot"] = 5.0,
["yRot"] = 0.0,
["zRot"] = 0.0,
["prop-anim"] = {
["prop-dics"] = "anim@heists@box_carry@",
["prop-name"] = "idle"
["marker-label"] = "Car Part Put In Box",
["kod-isim"] = "radyo_kutula",
["time"] = 2500,
["progressbar-label"] = "...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@heists@load_box",
["anim-name"] = "load_box_3"
["prop"] = "sil",
{ -- collect parts
["marker-label"] = "Collect Car Parts",
["kod-isim"] = "parcaları_al",
["time"] = 12500,
["progressbar-label"] = "Collecting car parts...",
["kordinat"] = {
["x"] = -556.23,
["y"] = -1704.21,
["z"] = 19.06,
["h"] = 114.17,
["animasyon"] = {
["seneryo"] = false,
["anim-disc"] = "anim@mp_fireworks",
["anim-name"] = "place_firework_3_box"
["prop"] = "son",
Last updated