Config Files

tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.adminCommand = "vehshop"                                            -- Admin command, You can edit from server/commands.lua
config.showroomVehicleSpawnDist = 100                                      -- The distance where vehicles will spawn
config.classList = { "S", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" }              -- Class List
config.testDriveSecond = 50                                                -- Test drive time (second)
config.defaultShopInsideCarSpawn = vector4(-75.77, -821.27, 284.73, 193.0) -- This setting is active if no location is set (x, y, z, heading)

config.blip = {                                                            --
    category = true,                                                       -- if true, all store blips are listed under the property name
    scale = 0.7,
    color = 0,
    sprite = 225

config.disableFreezeClass = { -- does not freeze the spawned vehicle when inspecting vehicles. |
    ["14"] = true,            -- Boats
    ["15"] = true,            -- Helicopters
    ["16"] = true             -- Planes

config.camDefaultDistance = 5.0 -- Default camera distance
config.camZoomClass = {         -- Distance of the camera according to classes (if it is a class that is not added, the default value is active)
    ["8"] = 3.0,                -- Motorcycles
    ["10"] = 9.0,               -- Industrial
    ["11"] = 10.0,              -- Utility
    ["12"] = 8.0,               -- Vans
    ["13"] = 3.0,               -- Cycles
    ["14"] = 15.0,              -- Boats
    ["15"] = 10.0,              -- Helicopters
    ["16"] = 20.0,              -- Planes
    ["17"] = 10.0,              -- Service
    ["18"] = 8.0,               -- Emergency
    ["21"] = 20.0,              -- Trains
    ["22"] = 10.0,              -- Open Wheel

config.vehicleTableName = config.framework == "qb" and "player_vehicles" or "owned_vehicles" -- Database player vehicles table name
config.clearSpawnCoords = true                                                               -- if true, when someone buys a vehicle, if there is a vehicle at the spawn point, it delete that vehicle
config.modelCheck = true                                                                     -- check if the model is in the game while driving from the dev menu to the gallery

config.vehicleKey = {                                                                        -- You can edit vehicle key function from client/editable.lua "editableFunctions.CarSpawned" function
    tgiann_hotwire = GetResourceState("tgiann-hotwire") ~= "missing"

config.langs = {} -- Don't edit

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