Config file


    - this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
      Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
      Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using

    ⚠️⚠️⚠️ PLEASE READ ⚠️⚠️⚠️; You can't hear your own voice on the megaphone, pma doesn't have such a feature 

tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.lang = "en"
config.langs = {}


config.megaphone = {}
config.megaphone.dist = 30              -- Maximum distance at which the player's voice can be heard
config.megaphone.itemName = "megaphone" -- Item name
config.megaphone.disable3D = false      -- When true, the player's voice sounds like they are right next to you, but this time you can adjust the volume
config.megaphone.diable3DVolume = 10.0  -- Works when disable3D is true
config.megaphone.vehicle = {
    key = "B",                          --
    class = { 18, 19 },                 --
    model = { `taxi`, }                 -- Vehicle Model name

config.megaphone.anim = { -- Megaphone item animation
    animDict = "combat@aim_variations@1h@gang",
    animName = "aim_variation_d"

--If you don’t know what it is, don’t modify anything beyond this point.
config.megaphone.filterName = "tmegaphone"
config.megaphone.filters = {
    { name = `freq_low`,    value = 0.0 },
    { name = `freq_hi`,     value = 10000.0 },
    { name = `rm_mod_freq`, value = 50.0 },
    { name = `rm_mix`,      value = 0.15 },
    { name = `fudge`,       value = 0.0 },
    { name = `o_freq_lo`,   value = 150.0 },
    { name = `o_freq_hi`,   value = 5000.0 },


config.microphone = {}
config.microphone.itemName = "microphone" -- Name of the microphone item
config.microphone.itemDist = 8            -- Maximum distance at which the player's voice can be heard (For Item)

if IsDuplicityVersion() then return end   -- if server return

config.microphone.disable3D = false       -- When true, the player's voice sounds like they are right next to you, but this time you can adjust the volume
config.microphone.diable3DVolume = 8.0    -- Works when disable3D is true
config.microphone.location = {
        microphoneCoords = vec4(-551.8740, 284.2366, 82.9768, 90.6532), -- Microphone prop location (X, Y, Z, HEADING)
        pressDist = 2,                                                  -- Microphone on/off press distance
        voiceDetectLocation = PolyZone:Create({                         -- Zone where the sound will have effects
            vector2(-552.05828857422, 288.53967285156),
            vector2(-552.72467041016, 280.97360229492),
            vector2(-549.9306640625, 280.37149047852),
            vector2(-549.10266113281, 287.87759399414)
        }, {
            name = "mic1",
            minZ = 81.976676940918,
            maxZ = 83.98063659668
        voiceDist = 15, -- Maximum distance at which the player's voice can be heard
    -- Example With microphone prop
        microphoneCoords = vec4(683.0647, 568.5448, 130.4613, 343.7143), -- Microphone prop location (X, Y, Z, HEADING)
        model = `v_ilev_fos_mic`,                                        -- Microphone prop nodel (if this value is nil the prop will not spawn)
        pressDist = 2,                                                   -- Microphone on/off press distance
        voiceDetectLocation = PolyZone:Create({                          -- Zone where the sound will have effects
            vector2(682.44860839844, 567.98010253906),
            vector2(685.70739746094, 567.44165039062),
            vector2(688.75897216797, 569.16760253906),
            vector2(697.73889160156, 566.22259521484),
            vector2(697.66491699219, 576.57434082031),
            vector2(675.63049316406, 584.82623291016),
            vector2(671.69836425781, 576.21820068359),
            vector2(678.07025146484, 573.41131591797),
            vector2(679.79010009766, 570.21728515625)
        }, {
            name = "mic2",
            minZ = 129.46130371094,
            maxZ = 132.46153259277
        voiceDist = 40, -- Maximum distance at which the player's voice can be heard

--If you don’t know what it is, don’t modify anything beyond this point.
config.microphone.filterName = "tmicrophone"
config.microphone.filters = {
    { name = `freq_low`,    value = 0.0 },
    { name = `freq_hi`,     value = 10000.0 },
    { name = `rm_mod_freq`, value = 10.0 },
    { name = `rm_mix`,      value = 0.05 },
    { name = `fudge`,       value = 0.0 },
    { name = `o_freq_lo`,   value = 150.0 },
    { name = `o_freq_hi`,   value = 5000.0 },

Last updated