config.hacking = {
active = true,
spawnTime = 15, -- minutes
levels = {
{ -- level 1
itemName = "creditcard_lvl_1",
hack = {
timer = 90000, -- miliseconds
sameDigit = false, -- If true, the numbers in the password can be the same. (e.g. 1224, 6131)
maxAttempts = 8, -- Maximum number of attempts to hack the card.
money = {
min = 250,
max = 500,
isDefault = true, -- if true, this card will spawn if the other cards' ratios do not match.
progressBarTime = 3000,
policeAlertPercent = 1, -- 60% chance to alert the police (1-100)
policeCount = 0, -- Number of police required for hacking
{ -- level 2
itemName = "creditcard_lvl_2",
hack = {
timer = 90000,
sameDigit = false,
maxAttempts = 8,
money = {
min = 1000,
max = 2000,
spawnPercent = 30, -- 30% chance to spawn (1-100)
progressBarTime = 3000,
policeAlertPercent = 25, -- 60% chance to alert the police (1-100)
policeCount = 0, -- Number of police required for hacking
{ -- level 3
itemName = "creditcard_lvl_3",
hack = {
timer = 90000,
sameDigit = true,
maxAttempts = 8,
money = {
min = 2000,
max = 5000,
spawnPercent = 10, -- 10% chance to spawn (1-100)
progressBarTime = 3000,
policeAlertPercent = 50, -- 60% chance to alert the police (1-100)
policeCount = 0, -- Number of police required for hacking
locations = {
vector3(-815.24, -1078.54, 11.14),
vector3(-812.44, -1339.83, 5.15),
vector3(-704.07, -1401.18, 5.15),
vector3(-722.13, -932.13, 19.02),
vector3(-807.15, -1376.63, 5.15),
vector3(-828.11, -1257.9, 6.6),
vector3(29.14, -1353.49, 29.34),
vector3(-1179.88, -885.32, 13.82),
vector3(-1432.59, -277.2, 46.21),
vector3(-1541.35, 121.86, 56.78),
vector3(-1519.63, 144.05, 55.65),
vector3(378.24, 321.6, 103.4),
vector3(932.02, 46.34, 81.1),
vector3(1162.86, -328.2, 69.06),
vector3(-804.52, -1304.18, 5.0),
vector3(-56.02, -1756.88, 29.09),
vector3(127.9, -1300.9, 29.23),
vector3(122.33, -1294.05, 29.27),
vector3(85.18, -1393.79, 29.26),
vector3(-224.82, -1396.55, 31.36),
vector3(126.02, -207.8, 54.58),
vector3(153.54, -1037.24, 29.31),
vector3(-3169.19, 1060.41, 20.86),
vector3(-3162.46, 1083.49, 20.85),
vector3(-1483.01, 106.62, 54.81),
vector3(-628.8, -218.98, 57.66),
vector3(876.12, -2126.41, 31.23),
vector3(1399.57, 1144.57, 114.33),
vector3(-335.14, 6153.58, 31.49),
vector3(-388.11, 6235.39, 31.49),
vector3(1685.44, 4822.16, 42.0),
vector3(1932.97, 3722.04, 32.84),
vector3(-355.45, -46.79, 49.04),
vector3(-1455.39, -229.52, 49.26),
Last updated