Editable files
Language Files
config.langs.en = {
blip = "Second Hand Vehicle Dealer",
openSellMenu = "Second Hand Vehicle Dealer",
noClosestVehicle = "There are no vehicles nearby",
menuLabel = "Plate: %s",
menuLabelCantSale = "Plate: %s (Can't be sold)",
menuHeader = "Sell your car",
menuPrice = "Set a Price",
wrongPrice = "%s is not a number!Can't be set as Price",
space = "Space",
notYour = "This Vehicle doesn't belong to you",
inspectCar = "Inspect Vehicle",
allSlotFull = "All Vehicle slots are full, try again later!",
noMoney = "You need $%s to buy this Vehicle",
allReadyAdded = "This Vehicle is already added for sale",
uCantSell = "You can't sell this Vehicle",
testDriveStarted = "Test drive for %s sec started",
removeVehicle = "Remove Vehicle from Sale",
areUSureRemove = "Are you sure you want to Remove the Vehicle?",
areUSureYes = "Yes",
areUSureNo = "No",
noSellVehicle = "You have no vehicle on Sale!",
sellVehicle = "Sell Vehicle",
mySellVehicles = "My Vehicles for Sale",
automobile = "Car",
bike = "Motorcycle/Bike",
boat = "Boat",
heli = "Helicopter",
plane = "Plane",
submarine = "Submarine",
trailer = "Trailer",
train = "Train",
testdrive = "Test Drive",
buy = "Buy",
secondHandHeader = "Second Hand Vehicles",
secondHandHeaderDesc = "We are pleased to serve you with our high-quality second-hand vehicles. You can buy or sell your vehicles with affordable prices and bank payment options. For more details, please review the catalog.",
esc = "ESC to close",
all = "All",
cancel = "Cancel",
yes = "Yes",
testDriveDesc = "Do you want to pay {1} Dolar for the {0} Sec Test Drive?",
buyDesc = "Do you want to buy the Vehicle for {0} + {1}$ ?",
testDriveSecond = "%s Sec",
searchInput = "Search...",
tax = "Tax",
nullNumber = "Unknown",
MaxSpeed = "Max Speed",
maxBraking = "Max Brake",
acceleration = "Speed",
engineLevel = "Engine Level",
brakeLevel = "Brake Level",
transmissionLevel = "Transmission Level",
suspensionLevel = "Suspension Level",
armorLevel = "Armor Level",
turboInstalled = "Has Turbo",
turboNoInstalled = "No Turbo"
function carSpawned(vehicle)
TriggerEvent("x-hotwire:give-keys", vehicle)
function teleportPlayer(coords)
SetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId(), coords)
function isPlayerVehicle(src, plate)
if config.test then return true end
local xPlayer = tgiCore.getPlayer(src)
local cid = tgiCore.getCid(xPlayer)
if config.framework == "qb" then
local row = singleSync('SELECT `citizenid` FROM `player_vehicles` WHERE `citizenid` = ? AND `plate` = ? LIMIT 1', { cid, plate })
if not row then
return false, lang.notYour
return true
elseif config.framework == "esx" then
local row = singleSync('SELECT `owner` FROM `owned_vehicles` WHERE `owner` = ? AND `plate` = ? LIMIT 1', { cid, plate })
if not row then
return false, lang.notYour
return true
function editPlayerVehicle(cid, plate)
if config.framework == "qb" then
update("UPDATE player_vehicles SET citizenid = ? WHERE plate = ?", { cid, plate })
elseif config.framework == "esx" then
update("UPDATE owned_vehicles SET owner = ? WHERE plate = ?", { cid, plate })
function getPlayerNumber(xPlayer)
if GetResourceState("tgiann-phone") ~= "missing" then
local userData = singleSync('SELECT number FROM tgiann_phone_players WHERE citizenid = ?', { tgiCore.getCid(xPlayer) })
return userData.number or lang.nullNumber
if config.framework == "qb" then
return xPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.phone or lang.nullNumber
elseif config.framework == "esx" then
local userData = singleSync('SELECT phone_number FROM users WHERE citizenid = ?', { tgiCore.getCid(xPlayer) })
return userData.phone_number or lang.nullNumber
function addMoney(row) -- offline give money
if config.framework == "qb" then
single("SELECT money FROM players WHERE citizenid = ?", { row.owner }, function(result)
if result then
local moneyData = json.decode(result.money)
moneyData.bank = moneyData.bank + row.price
update("UPDATE players SET money = ? WHERE citizenid = ?", { json.encode(moneyData), row.owner })
elseif config.framework == "esx" then
single("SELECT accounts FROM players WHERE identifier = ?", { row.owner }, function(result)
if result then
local moneyData = json.decode(result.accounts)
moneyData.bank = moneyData.bank + row.price
update("UPDATE players SET accounts = ? WHERE identifier = ?", { json.encode(moneyData), row.owner })
Last updated