config.langs.en = {
charSelectHeader = "Choose Character",
charSelectDesc = "Create your own character and embark on a unique adventure on our server. Carefully craft your character's background, abilities, and personality. With this character, you will go on a unique journey throughout your adventure on the server. Every decision you make will shape your character's development and role-playing experience. Alternatively, you can choose one of the characters you have previously created and continue your adventure with him where you left off. Either way, an unforgettable experience awaits you on our server!", -- Chat GPT xd
spawnSelectHeader = "Select Spawn location",
spawnSelectDesc = "Select the location you want to spawn from from the options below. The location you choose determines where your character will appear when you start the game. Each location offers different environmental features and starting opportunities.", -- Chat GPT xd
createCharHeader = "Create Character",
createCharDesc = "Create your character and embark on a new adventure on our server! Determine your character's name, appearance and other features by following the steps below. Remember, your character's story and personality is in your hands!", -- Chat GPT xd
photoUrlCopied = "Picture URL copied and your Character's photo replaced",
charInformation = "Character details",
exitServer = "Quit Server",
backToCharSelect = "Back to Character selection",
createNewChar = "Create New Character",
createFirstname = "Firstname",
createLastname = "Lastname",
createYear = "Year",
createMonth = "Month",
createDay = "Day",
createMale = "Male",
createFemale = "Female",
createHeight = "Height",
create = "Create",
character = "Character",
bank = "Bank",
money = "Cash",
dateOfBirth = "Date of Birth",
sex = "Sex/Gender",
sexMale = "Male",
sexFemale = "Female",
height = "Height",
takePhoto = "Take Picture",
takePhotoPassport = "Take as Passport Picture",
takePhotoNormal = "Normal Picture",
play = "Play",
delete = "Delete Character",
spawn = "Spawn",
spawnSelected = "Selected",
yes = "Yes",
cancel = "Cancel",
deleteCharPopUp = "Are you sure you want to delete your Character?",
disableUi = "Hide UI",
enableUi = "Show UI",
lastlocationSpawnLebel = "Last Location",
lastlocationDesc = "Spawn where you last left off",
selectedPoints = "Selected Location",
photoMenu = "Picture Menu",
locations = "Locations",
locationsdesc = "Browse better locations for your Pictures",
filters = "Filters",
filterdesc = "Change filters to hide your flaws and highlight your good points",
animations = "Animations/Poses",
animationsdesc = "Change your animations/poses and stand out more in the Picture",
charLimitError = "You do not have the authority to unlock a character, please contact the server administrators!",
Last updated