- this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using
tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.MPH = false
config.disableAirControl = true
config.fuelAlarmMin = 20
config.usePmaVoice = true --use pma as voip script (if you are using different systems you need to edit editable.lua)
config.useTgiannSound = true -- use tgiann-sound as sound system (https://tgiann.tebex.io/package/5367748)
config.enableCruiseControl = true
config.cruiseKey = "u" -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
--Show Money
config.enableShowMoney = true
config.showMoneyKey = "TAB" -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
--Engine Stalls
config.engineStalls = true -- Engine stalls for 1-3 seconds in case of crash
config.engineStallsMinSpeed = 70
--Belt Settings
config.enableSeatBelt = true
config.beltActiveDisableFKey = true
config.seatbeltKey = "k" -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
config.noBeltEjectMinSpeed = 50
config.beltEjectMinSpeed = 180
config.commands = {
hud = "hud",
cruisespeed = "cruisespeed"
config.lang = "en"
config.langs = {
tr = {
beltSeting = "Araç (Kemer)",
cruise = "Araç (Hız Sabitleme)",
showMoney = "Hud (Parayı Göster)",
cruiseOn = "Hız Sabitleyici Aktif",
cruiseOff = "Hız Sabitleyici Pasif",
engineStalls = "Motor Tekliyor",
seatBeltOn = "Kemer Bağlandı",
seatBeltOff = "Kemer Çıkarıldı",
unknow = "Bilinmiyor",
hud = "/"..config.commands.hud.." Komutu İle Hud'u Dilediğin Şekilde Düzenleyebilirsin!",
E = "D",
SE = "GD",
S = "G",
SW = "GB",
W = "B",
NW = "KB",
N = "K",
NE = "KD",
zoneNames = { AIRP = "Los Santos Uluslararası Havalimanı", ALAMO = "Alamo Denizi", ALTA = "Alta", ARMYB = "Zancudo Askeri Üssü", BANHAMC = "Banham Kanyonu", BANNING = "Banning", BAYTRE = "Baytree Kanyonu", BEACH = "Vespucci Sahili", BHAMCA = "Banham Kanyonu", BRADP = "Braddock Geçişi", BRADT = "Braddock Tüneli", BURTON = "Burton", CALAFB = "Calafia Köprüsü", CANNY = "Raton Kanyonu", CCREAK = "Cassidy Deresi", CHAMH = "Chamberlain Tepeleri", CHIL = "Vinewood Tepeleri", CHU = "Chumash Bölgesi", CMSW = "Chiliad Dağ Eyaleti", CYPRE = "Cypress Bölgesi", DAVIS = "Davis", DELBE = "Del Perro Sahili", DELPE = "Del Perro", DELSOL = "La Puerta", DESRT = "Grand Senora Çölü", DOWNT = "Şehir Merkezi", DTVINE = "Merkez Vinewood", EAST_V = "Doğu Vinewood", EBURO = "El Burro Tepeleri", ELGORL = "El Gordo Deniz Feneri", ELYSIAN = "Elysian Adası", GALFISH = "Galilee", GALLI = "Galileo Parkı", golf = "GWC ve Golf Sosyetesi", GRAPES = "Grapeseed Bölgesi", GREATC = "Büyük Orman", HARMO = "Harmony", HAWICK = "Hawick", HORS = "Vinewood Yarış Pisti", HUMLAB = "Humane Laboratuvarı", JAIL = "Bolingbroke Arazisi", KOREAT = "Little Seoul", LACT = "Land Act Rezervuarı", LAGO = "Lago Zancudo", LDAM = "Land Act Barajı", LEGSQU = "Legion Meydanı", LMESA = "La Mesa", LOSPUER = "La Puerta", MIRR = "Mirror Parkı", MORN = "Morningwood", MOVIE = "Richards Majestic", MTCHIL = "Chilliad Dağı", MTGORDO = "Gordo Dağı", MTJOSE = "Josiah Dağı", MURRI = "Murrieta Tepeleri", NCHU = "Kuzey Chumash", NOOSE = "N.O.O.S.E", OCEANA = "Pasifik Okyanusu", PALCOV = "Paleto Koyu", PALETO = "Paleto Bölgesi", PALFOR = "Paleto Ormanı", PALHIGH = "Palomino Tepeleri", PALMPOW = "Palmer-Taylor Enerji Santrali", PBLUFF = "Pasifik Uçurumu", PBOX = "Pillbox Tepesi", PROCOB = "Procopio Sahili", RANCHO = "Rancho", RGLEN = "Richman Glen", RICHM = "Richman", ROCKF = "Rockford Tepeleri", RTRAK = "Redwood Işıkları Pisti", SanAnd = "San Andreas", SANCHIA = "San Chianski Dağ Arazisi", SANDY = "Sandy Kıyıları", SKID = "Mission Row", SLAB = "Stab Şehri", STAD = "Maze Bank Arenası", STRAW = "Strawberry", TATAMO = "Tataviam Dağları", TERMINA = "Terminal", TEXTI = "Tekstil Şehri", TONGVAH = "Tongva Tepeleri", TONGVAV = "Tongva Vadisi", VCANA = "Vespucci Kanalları", VESP = "Vespucci", VINE = "Vinewood", WINDF = "Ron Alternates Rüzgar Çiftliği", WVINE = "Batı Vinewood", ZANCUDO = "Zancudo Deresi", ZP_ORT = "Güney Los Santos Limanı", ZQ_UAR = "Davis Quartz" }
en = {
beltSeting = "Vehilce (Belt)",
cruise = "Vehilce (Cruise Control)",
showMoney = "Hud (Show Money)",
cruiseOn = "Cruise Control Active",
cruiseOff = "Cruise Control Passive",
engineStalls = "Engine Stalling",
seatBeltOn = "Seat Belt Active",
seatBeltOff = "Seat Belt Passive",
UNKNOWN = "Unknown",
hud = "With the /"..config.commands.hud.." command, you can edit the hud the way you want!",
E = "E",
SE = "SE",
S = "S",
SW = "SW",
W = "W",
NW = "NW",
N = "N",
NE = "NE",
zoneNames = { ['AIRP'] = "Los Santos International Airport", ['ALAMO'] = "Alamo Sea", ['ALTA'] = "Alta", ['ARMYB'] = "Fort Zancudo", ['BANHAMC'] = "Banham Canyon Dr", ['BANNING'] = "Banning", ['BEACH'] = "Vespucci Beach", ['BHAMCA'] = "Banham Canyon", ['BRADP'] = "Braddock Pass", ['BRADT'] = "Braddock Tunnel", ['BURTON'] = "Burton", ['CALAFB'] = "Calafia Bridge", ['CANNY'] = "Raton Canyon", ['CCREAK'] = "Cassidy Creek", ['CHAMH'] = "Chamberlain Hills", ['CHIL'] = "Vinewood Hills", ['CHU'] = "Chumash", ['CMSW'] = "Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness", ['CYPRE'] = "Cypress Flats", ['DAVIS'] = "Davis", ['DELBE'] = "Del Perro Beach", ['DELPE'] = "Del Perro", ['DELSOL'] = "La Puerta", ['DESRT'] = "Grand Senora Desert", ['DOWNT'] = "Downtown", ['DTVINE'] = "Downtown Vinewood", ['EAST_V'] = "East Vinewood", ['EBURO'] = "El Burro Heights", ['ELGORL'] = "El Gordo Lighthouse", ['ELYSIAN'] = "Elysian Island", ['GALFISH'] = "Galilee", ['GOLF'] = "GWC and Golfing Society", ['GRAPES'] = "Grapeseed", ['GREATC'] = "Great Chaparral", ['HARMO'] = "Harmony", ['HAWICK'] = "Hawick", ['HORS'] = "Vinewood Racetrack", ['HUMLAB'] = "Humane Labs and Research", ['JAIL'] = "Bolingbroke Penitentiary", ['KOREAT'] = "Little Seoul", ['LACT'] = "Land Act Reservoir", ['LAGO'] = "Lago Zancudo", ['LDAM'] = "Land Act Dam", ['LEGSQU'] = "Legion Square", ['LMESA'] = "La Mesa", ['LOSPUER'] = "La Puerta", ['MIRR'] = "Mirror Park", ['MORN'] = "Morningwood", ['MOVIE'] = "Richards Majestic", ['MTCHIL'] = "Mount Chiliad", ['MTGORDO'] = "Mount Gordo", ['MTJOSE'] = "Mount Josiah", ['MURRI'] = "Murrieta Heights", ['NCHU'] = "North Chumash", ['NOOSE'] = "N.O.O.S.E", ['OCEANA'] = "Pacific Ocean", ['PALCOV'] = "Paleto Cove", ['PALETO'] = "Paleto Bay", ['PALFOR'] = "Paleto Forest", ['PALHIGH'] = "Palomino Highlands", ['PALMPOW'] = "Palmer-Taylor Power Station", ['PBLUFF'] = "Pacific Bluffs", ['PBOX'] = "Pillbox Hill", ['PROCOB'] = "Procopio Beach", ['RANCHO'] = "Rancho", ['RGLEN'] = "Richman Glen", ['RICHM'] = "Richman", ['ROCKF'] = "Rockford Hills", ['RTRAK'] = "Redwood Lights Track", ['SANAND'] = "San Andreas", ['SANCHIA'] = "San Chianski Mountain Range", ['SANDY'] = "Sandy Shores", ['SKID'] = "Mission Row", ['SLAB'] = "Stab City", ['STAD'] = "Maze Bank Arena", ['STRAW'] = "Strawberry", ['TATAMO'] = "Tataviam Mountains", ['TERMINA'] = "Terminal", ['TEXTI'] = "Textile City", ['TONGVAH'] = "Tongva Hills", ['TONGVAV'] = "Tongva Valley", ['VCANA'] = "Vespucci Canals", ['VESP'] = "Vespucci", ['VINE'] = "Vinewood", ['WINDF'] = "Ron Alternates Wind Farm", ['WVINE'] = "West Vinewood", ['ZANCUDO'] = "Zancudo River", ['ZP_ORT'] = "Port of South Los Santos", ['ZQ_UAR'] = "Davis Quartz" }
config.soundsName = {
alarm = "alarm",
belt = "tak",
unBelt = "cikar",
Last updated