Config file
tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.lang = "en" -- "en" | "tr"
config.useTarget = "qb" -- false | "ox" | "qb"
config.useProgressBar = true -- Replaces skillbar minigame parts with progressbar
config.enableDevCommands = false
config.mapLocations = {
lumipier = false, --Job name: lumipier |
gabzBahama = true, --job name: bahama |
gabzBeanMachine = true, --Job name: beanmachine |
gabzBurgerShot = true, --Job name: burger |
gabzHornys = true, --Job name: hornys |
gabzKoi = false, --job name: koi |
gabzPearls = true, --Job name: pearls |
gabzPizza = true, --Job name: pizza |
gabzPopsDinner = true, --job name: dinner |
gabzTriads = true, -- job name: triads |
gabzUpNAtom = true, --job name: atom |
gabzUwuCafe = true, --Job name: uwu |
gtaTequilala = true, --job name: tequilala | Orjinal GTA's Map
UniverseStoreIceCream = true, --job name: icecream |
GreatOceanLeft = true, --job name: greatoceanleft |
--Vanilla Unicorn
gabzVanillaUnicorn = true, --job name: vanillaunicorn |
fiveDevsVanillaunicorn = false, --job name: vanillaunicorn |
config.maxHungerThirstValue = {
hunger = 100,
thirst = 100,
config.tableSellMoneyMultiplies = 2.5 -- The script calculates the production cost of an item and multiplies it by the value you input here (Example Item: $100 | sellMoneyPercent: 1.1 | 100*1.1 = 110) = {
vehicleSpawn = function(vehicle)
local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", plate)
TriggerEvent("x-hotwire:give-keys", vehicle)
TriggerEvent('tgiann-hotwire:give-keys-with-carid', vehicle)
sellMoneyMultiplies = 1.5, -- The script calculates the production cost of an item and multiplies it by the value you input here (Example Item: $100 | sellMoneyPercent: 1.1 | 100*1.1 = 110)
location = { -- Door locations
vector3(8.91, -242.82, 51.8),
vector3(113.74, -277.95, 54.51),
vector3(201.56, -148.76, 61.47),
vector3(-206.84, 159.49, 74.08),
vector3(38.83, -71.64, 63.83),
vector3(47.84, -29.16, 73.71),
vector3(-264.41, 98.82, 69.27),
vector3(-419.34, 221.12, 83.6),
vector3(-998.43, 158.42, 62.31),
vector3(-1026.57, 360.64, 71.36),
vector3(-967.06, 510.76, 82.07),
vector3(-1009.64, 478.93, 79.41),
vector3(-1308.05, 448.59, 100.8),
vector3(557.39, -1759.57, 29.31),
vector3(325.1, -229.59, 54.22),
vector3(414.82, -217.57, 59.91),
vector3(430.85, -941.91, 29.19),
vector3(-587.79, -783.53, 25.4),
vector3(-741.54, -982.28, 17.44),
vector3(-668.23, -971.58, 22.34),
vector3(-664.21, -1218.25, 11.81),
vector3(249.99, -1730.79, 29.67),
vector3(405.77, -1751.18, 29.71),
vector3(454.96, -1580.25, 32.82),
vector3(278.81, -1117.96, 29.42),
vector3(101.82, -819.49, 31.31),
vector3(-416.72, -186.79, 37.45),
itemAmount = {
min = 1,
max = 2,
progressBarTime = 10000,
newDeliveryTime = {
min = 50000,
max = 60000,
config.playerMaxOrder = 20 -- maximum number of orders the player can place on the Table
config.moneyPercent = {
player = 0.8, -- money to be given to the player when the order is sold (Example: 100*0.8 = 80)
company = 0.2, -- money to be given to the company when the order is sold (Example: 100*0.2 = 20)
config.jobList = { "vanillaunicorn", "uwu", "burger", "bahama", "lumipier", "beanmachine", "hornys", "koi", "pearls", "pizza", "dinner", "triads", "atom", "uwu", "tequilala", "icecream", "greatoceanleft" }
config.packetItems = { -- The item name should be in the form of packet and job name (Example: packetdinner)
config.packetCommand = {
jobs = config.jobList, --jobs that can use the command
name = "packet", -- Command name (/packet)
esxPerm = "user"
config.f4 = {
jobs = config.jobList, --jobs that can use the menu
enable = true, -- enable F4 Menu
key = "f4",
enableBill = true
config.blips = {}
config.cutting = {} -- Kesme
config.fries = {} -- Patates kızartması = {}
config.cook = {} -- Pişirme = {} -- Yemek Son Aşama Hazırlama
config.boss = {} = {}
config.cashRegister = {}
config.handWash = {}
config.deliveryJob = {}
config.alchol = {} -- Alkol = {} -- Kahve
config.juice = {} -- Meve Suyu
config.drink = {} -- Any Drink Items
config.cola = {} -- Gazlı içecekler
config.dough = {} -- Hamur
config.formDough = {} -- Hamur açma
config.rawPizza = {} -- Prepair Raw Pizza
config.oven = {} -- Fırın
config.sushi = {} -- Sushi Table
config.icecream = {} -- Ice Cream
config.poleDance = {}
config.hookah = {
prop = `prop_tgi_hookah`,
spawnDist = 50,
autoDelete = {
enable = true,
minute = 60
keys = {
x = 73, --X
e = 38, --E
use = 38, --E
remove = 73, --X
smoke = 74, --H
leave = 73, --X
hookahs = {}
config.lapDance = {}
config.toilet = {
normal = {},
urinal = {}
config.chair = {
chairZ = 0.5,
keys = {
x = 73,
arrowUp = 172,
arrowDown = 173,
arrowLeft = 174,
arrowRight = 175,
a = 34,
d = 35,
anim = { -- Default sit animation
man = {"timetable@ron@ig_5_p3", "ig_5_p3_base"},
woman = {"timetable@reunited@ig_10", "base_amanda"},
manOffset = vector3(0.05, 0.6, 0.0),
womanOffset = vector3(0.2, 0.7, -0.1)
maxLeftRight = 1.5,
maxBackFront = 1.5,
maxRotate = 90.0,
chairs = {},
function addChair(table)
for i=1, #table do
config.chair.chairs[#config.chair.chairs+1] = table[i]
function addHandWash(table)
for i=1, #table do
config.handWash[#config.handWash+1] = table[i]
function addPoleDance(jobName, table)
if not config.poleDance[jobName] then config.poleDance[jobName] = {} end
for i=1, #table do
config.poleDance[jobName][#config.poleDance[jobName]+1] = table[i]
function addLapDance(jobName, table)
if not config.lapDance[jobName] then config.lapDance[jobName] = {} end
for i=1, #table do
config.lapDance[jobName][#config.lapDance[jobName]+1] = table[i]
function addToilet(table)
for tType, data in pairs(table) do
for i=1, #data do
config.toilet[tType][#config.toilet[tType]+1] = data[i]
function addHookah(table)
for i=1, #table do
config.hookah.hookahs[#config.hookah.hookahs+1] = table[i]
config.langs = {}
configConsumable.lua (Not All)
local lang = config.langs[config.lang]
config.consumableItems = {
progressbarLabel = lang.eating, --ok
type = "food",
item = "orange_macaroon",
time = 1200000,
addValue = 50,
animation = {
animDictionary = "mp_player_inteat@burger",
animationName = "mp_player_int_eat_burger",
propOptions = {
Prop = 'cartty_macaron',
PropBone = 18905,
PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0064386576655695, -0.0010677571233193, 0, 0, 0}
progressbarLabel = lang.eating, --ok
type = "food",
item = "strawberry_macaroon",
time = 1200000,
addValue = 50,
animation = {
animDictionary = "mp_player_inteat@burger",
animationName = "mp_player_int_eat_burger",
propOptions = {
Prop = 'cartty_macaron',
PropBone = 18905,
PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0064386576655695, -0.0010677571233193, 0, 0, 0}
progressbarLabel = lang.eating, --ok
type = "food",
item = "mint_macaroon",
time = 1200000,
addValue = 50,
animation = {
animDictionary = "mp_player_inteat@burger",
animationName = "mp_player_int_eat_burger",
propOptions = {
Prop = 'cartty_macaron',
PropBone = 18905,
PropPlacement = {0.0, 0.0064386576655695, -0.0010677571233193, 0, 0, 0}
config.configShopPrice = {
sugar = 3,
caramel = 5,
carrot = 4,
cranberry = 6,
kiwi = 7,
cucumber = 7,
tomatoes = 6,
ecola = 4,
apple = 5,
milk = 3,
lemon = 4,
lime = 6,
pepper = 5,
blueberry = 6,
cheese = 3,
tuna = 6,
strawberry = 8,
maracuja = 10,
sausage = 9,
potato = 6,
mayonnaise = 3,
spice = 3,
rawcoffee = 10,
onion = 4,
nugget = 8,
chocolate = 5,
noodles = 4,
meat = 15,
rice = 9,
grapefruit = 8,
tofu = 7,
mint = 4,
nori = 10,
peach = 5,
lettuce = 5,
tomatopaste = 8,
pickle = 3,
soda = 8,
egg = 4,
flour = 5,
food_mushroom = 7,
pineapple = 10,
boba = 15,
sausage_brat = 13,
plum = 10,
mustard = 7,
orange = 6,
coconut = 10,
cherry = 8,
ketchup = 3,
banana = 5,
burgerbread = 4,
alcohol = 15,
avokado = 11,
chicken = 10,
vanilla = 5,
espresso = 9,
ice = 1,
watermelon = 7,
water = 3,
grape = 7,
sandwichbread = 4,
Last updated