Config file

config = {}
config.distance = 15.0 -- max volume distance
config.disableCollision = true -- disable prob collision
config.useCommand = false -- set this true if you want it to be used with a command
config.commandName = "boombox"

-- Pls check server/editable.lua
config.framework = "esx" --         "esx"         |         "qb"
config.esxUseGetSharedObjectExport = false -- if you are using the new export "exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()" set this to true
config.qbUseGetCoreObjectExport = true -- if you are using the new export "exports["qb_core"]:GetCoreObject()" set this to true
config.useItem = true -- esx or qb required
config.itemName = "boombox"

config.key = {
    openUI = 38,
    pickUp = 246

config.text = {
    drawTextOne = "Boombox",
    drawTextClosest = "~g~[E]~w~ Open | ~r~[Y]~w~ Pick Up"

Last updated