
Latest Version PMA Voice

1.Put the file in this location; pma-voice\client\module

2. Find in client/commands.lua

RegisterCommand('cycleproximity', function()

and add as in the screenshot

if megaphoneActive then return end

3. Find in pma-voice/client/init/proximity.lua

function orig_addProximityCheck(ply)

and add as in the screenshot

if megaphoneActive then distance = exports["tgiann-megaphone"]:megaphoneDist() end

Old Version PMA Voice

1.Put the file in this location; pma-voice\client\module

2. Find in pma-voice/client/commands.lua

RegisterCommand('cycleproximity', function() 

and add as in the screenshot

if megaphoneActive then return end

3. Find in pma-voice/client/init/proximity.lua

function addNearbyPlayers()

and add as in the screenshot

if megaphoneActive then distance = exports["tgiann-megaphone"]:megaphoneDist() end

Last updated