Config file

config = {
    framework = "esx", -- "esx"     -     "qb"
    oxinventory = false, -- set to true if you are using ox inventory
    resetCommand = "bobreset",
    resetCommandHelp = "Restart The Bobheist",
    resetCommandPerm = "god",
    autoResetTime = 7200000,
    minPoliceCount = 5,
    text = {
        empty = "Loot Box Empty",
        found = "%s Found",
        alreadyopen = "The door is already open",
        needthis = "You need this: %s",
        firstdoornoopen = "You have to open the first door first",
        progbarsearching = "Searching",
        search = "Search",
        c4npc = "Threaten the security",
        dooropened = "Door opened",
        noPolice = "Not enough Police.."
    searchTime = math.random(25000, 30000),
    bobcatSFirstDoorItem = "tanemisir", -- First Door Item
    bobcatSecurityDoorCoordsItem = "tanemisir", -- Second Door Item
    npcBomber = {
        coord = vector4(890.07, -2110.26, 31.23, 88.31), ped = 0
    loots = {
            data = {
                    items = {"weapon_minismg", "weapon_smg", "weapon_smg_mk2"},
                    max = {4,6},
                    items = {"weapon_advancedrifle", "weapon_combatmg"},
                    max = {1,3},
                    random = 20
            coord = vector3(889.41, -2120.47, 31.13), 
            isLooted = false --Do not change this
            data = {
                    items = {"weapon_stickybomb"},
                    max = {3,4},
            coord = vector3(891.56, -2124.77, 31.61), 
            isLooted = false --Do not change this
            data = {
                    items = {"weapon_pistol", "weapon_pistol_mk2"},
                    max = {3,4},
            coord = vector3(886.27, -2124.32, 31.1), 
            isLooted = false --Do not change this
    peds = {
        {coord = vector4(897.18, -2133.79, 31.23, 0.0), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(893.77, -2133.49, 31.23, 315.96), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(889.71, -2134.79, 31.23, 292.31), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(884.06, -2132.82, 31.23, 280.57), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(878.32, -2133.14, 31.23, 286.35), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(879.86, -2128.63, 31.23, 232.9), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(878.57, -2117.45, 31.23, 199.83), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(880.98, -2113.26, 31.23, 206.36), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(885.07, -2108.66, 31.23, 104.07), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(890.38, -2120.67, 31.23, 166.93), ped = 0},
        {coord = vector4(886.28, -2121.84, 31.23, 193.75), ped = 0},
    pedsData = {
        armor = 150,
        health = 300,
        weapon = `WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2`,
        pedHash = `s_m_m_security_01`,
    iplStates = false,
    bobcatSFirstDoorOpened = false, --Do not change this
    bobcatSFirstDoorCoords = vector3(908.54, -2120.18, 31.17), --Do not change this
    bobcatSecurityDoorOpened = false,--Do not change this
    bobcatSecurityDoorCoords = vector3(905.12, -2118.96, 31.23),--Do not change this
    npcBomberActive = false, --Do not change this

doors = { --Do not change the doors
        model = -2023754432,
        doorCoord = vector3(908.44, -2121.28, 31.38),
        hash = "0x0000B1",
        status = 1
        model = 1438783233,
        doorCoord = vector3(904.69, -2122.28, 31.38),
        hash = "0x000B2",
        status = 1
        model = 1438783233,
        doorCoord = vector3(904.91, -2119.69, 31.38),
        hash = "0x000B3",
        status = 1
        model = -1514454788,
        doorCoord = vector3(889.92, -2107.78, 30.24),
        hash = "0x000B4",
        status = 1
        model = -311575617,
        doorCoord = vector3(877.82, -2121.99, 31.38),
        hash = "0x000B5",
        status = 1

Last updated