Config file

    - this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
      Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
      Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using

      ⚠️ Docs: ⚠️

tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()

config.lang = "en"

config.lockParkedNpcVehicles = {
    active = true, -- lock parked vehicle
    percent = 80   -- locked spawn chance

config.checkHeliPartBroken = true -- if the helicopter has no propeller, the engine will not work (in some mechanic scripts the propeller can be removed)

config.lockUnlock = {
    anim = { --Car lock/unlock anim
        animDict = "anim@mp_player_intmenu@key_fob@",
        animName = "fob_click"
    key = "u", --Vehicle lock/unlock key

config.engineOnOffKey = "m" -- Engine on/off button
config.keyIgnition = "r"    -- Key switch in and out of the ignition

config.giveKey = {
    price = 1000,
    moneyType = "bank",
    text = "lostkey", -- u can change from language files
    maxDistance = 3,
    pressDistance = 2,
    blip = {
        sprite = 811,
        scale = 0.7,
        color = 3,
    locations = {
            ped = `s_f_y_cop_01`,
            coords = vector4(423.3871, -972.2308, 30.7092, 242.5993),
            ped = `s_m_y_cop_01`,
            coords = vector4(427.2638, -985.6949, 30.7112, 356.5403),
            blipDisable = true
    vehicleTable = config.framework == "qb" and "player_vehicles" or "owned_vehicles"
} = {
    enable = true,                                 -- the vehicle can be searched if the ignition is not switched on
    disableClass = { 15, 16, 19, 13, 10, 11, 17 }, -- car types in the list cannot be search
    key = 246,                                     --
    label = "Y",                                   -- UI Text
    progressBarTime = 5000,
    itemList = {                                   -- item name, amount
        { "radio",    1 },
        { "chair1",   1 },
        { "lockpick", 1 },
    canFoundVehicleKey = {
        enable = true,
        percent = 10,
    policeAlert = {
        active = true,
        func = function(vehicle)
            if math.random() <= 50 then
                TriggerEvent("tgiann-policeAlert:alert", "Vehicle Theft", GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle), nil, false)

config.outSideLockpick = {
    useQbSmallResources = true, -- If you are using the qb-smallresources script and the item name(config.lockPickItemName) is "locpick", set this to true
    itemName = "lockpick",
    distance = 4,
    removeItemPercent = {
        fail = 25,                                 -- chance for the item to be deleted if it fails the minigame
        succsess = 0,                              -- chance for the item to be deleted if it succsess the minigame
    disableClass = { 15, 16, 19, 13, 10, 11, 17 }, -- car types in the list cannot be hotwired
    alarm = {
        active = true,
        time = 25000
    progressBarTime = 15000,
    policeAlert = {
        active = true,
        func = function(vehicle)
            if math.random() <= 50 then
                TriggerEvent("tgiann-policeAlert:alert", "Vehicle Theft", GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle), nil, false)

config.hotwire = {
    enable = true,                                 -- if the ignition is not switched on, the vehicle can be hotwired.
    itemName = "lockpick",                         -- Item name (if false or nil, no item is needed)
    removeItemPercent = {
        fail = 25,                                 -- chance for the item to be deleted if it fails the minigame
        succsess = 0,                              -- chance for the item to be deleted if it succsess the minigame
    },                                             --
    disableClass = { 15, 16, 19, 13, 10, 11, 17 }, -- car types in the list cannot be hotwired
    key = 304,                                     --
    label = "H",                                   -- UI Text
    alarm = {
        active = true,
        time = 25000
    afterHotwireTime = { --the time it takes to start or stop the vehicle each time after the vehicle has been hotwired
        start = 2500,
        stop = 1250,
    policeAlert = {
        active = true,
        func = function(vehicle)
            if math.random() <= 50 then
                TriggerEvent("tgiann-policeAlert:alert", "Vehicle Theft", GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle), nil, false)

config.langs = {}

Last updated