Config File


tgiCoreExports  = exports["tgiann-core"]
config          = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.lang     = "en"

config.animPos  = {
    active = true,
    command = {
        active = true,
        name   = "animpos",
    key = {
        active = true,
        name   = "F5",
    maxDistance = { xy = 2.0, z = 1.5 }, -- xy: for right, left, forward, backward, z for height
    abuseControl = true,                 -- If true, the player can teleport to the previous position when animation canceled or re open animpos
    playerOpacity = {
        active = true,                   -- If true, the player will be transparent when animpos ui is active
        opacity = 200,                   -- Player opacity value (0-254)
    headText = {
        active = true,   -- when true, when the player opens the ui, other players will see ANIM_POS_CAM_HEAD_TEXT on the player's head
        cd = 10000,      -- how many milliseconds after the text is shown, show it again
        showTime = 3000, -- display time of the text on the screen
        dist = 10,       -- the distance at which players can see the text

config.photoCam = {
    active = true,
    command = {
        active = true,
        name   = "photocam",
    key = {
        active = true,
        name   = "F6",
    item = {
        active = false,     -- If true, the player can use the item to open the menu
        name = "photo_cam", -- item name
    camSetting = {
        distance = 3,
        zoom = 50.0,
        minZoom = 10.0,
        maxZoomn = 90.0,
        height = 0.1,
        minHeight = -0.5,
        move = {
            active = true, -- If true, the player can move the camera with the w-a-s-d
            maxDistance = 5.0
    canOpen = {
        damage = {
            active = true, -- If true, the player can't open the menu when damaged or damaging
            time = 300000  -- milisecond (300000 = 5 minutes)
        handWeapon = false -- If true, the player can't open the menu when holding a weapon
    headText = {
        active = true,   -- when true, when the player opens the ui, other players will see PHOTO_CAM_HEAD_TEXT on the player's head
        cd = 10000,      -- how many milliseconds after the text is shown, show it again
        showTime = 3000, -- display time of the text on the screen
        dist = 10,       -- the distance at which players can see the text
    filterList = {
            label = 'No Filter',
            source = false,
            label = 'Black and white',
            source = 'spectator4',
            label = 'Security Camera',
            source = 'CAMERA_secuirity_FUZZ',
            label = 'Brightness',
            source = 'BeastLaunch02',
            label = 'Focus on center',
            source = 'AirRaceBoost01',
            label = 'Green effect',
            source = 'AirRaceBoost02',
            label = 'Sharpness',
            source = 'AmbientPUSH',
            label = 'Old effect purple',
            source = 'ArenaEMP',
            label = 'Old effect lightblue',
            source = 'ArenaEMP_Blend',
            label = 'Old effect brown',
            source = 'BeastIntro01',
            label = 'Old effect red',
            source = 'BeastIntro02',
            label = 'Beach regular',
            source = 'ArenaWheelPurple01',
            label = 'Beach highlight',
            source = 'ArenaWheelPurple02',
            label = 'Depth',
            source = 'Bank_HLWD',
            label = '420',
            source = 'Barry1_Stoned',
            label = 'Too much drugs',
            source = 'BikerFilter',
            label = 'Border Shadow',
            source = 'BikerForm01',
            label = 'Mexican movie light',
            source = 'Bikers',
            label = 'Mexican movie dark',
            source = 'BikersSPLASH',
            label = 'Green with lines',
            source = 'blackNwhite',
            label = 'Dirty Blur',
            source = 'BlackOut',
            label = 'Pink heat',
            source = 'BleepYellow02',
            label = 'Bloom heavy',
            source = 'Bloom',
            label = 'Bloom Midium',
            source = 'BloomLight',
            label = 'Bloom Light',
            source = 'BloomMid',
            label = 'Old TV',
            source = 'Broken_camera_fuzz',
            label = 'Hot blue',
            source = 'BulletTimeDark',
            label = 'Hot Red',
            source = 'casino_managersoffice',
            label = 'Day and night',
            source = 'casino_mainfloor',
            label = 'Old Camera',
            source = 'CHOP',
            label = 'Cinema light',
            source = 'cinema',
            label = 'Cinema heavy',
            source = 'cinema_001',
            label = 'Black and white bloom',
            source = 'cops',
            label = 'Light purple touch',
            source = 'CopsSPLASH',
            label = 'Light orange touch',
            source = 'CrossLine01',
            label = 'Clean background',
            source = 'CS1_railwayB_tunnel',
            label = 'Remove all light',
            source = 'downtown_FIB_cascades_opt',
            label = 'Red shadow',
            source = 'damage',
            label = 'Yellow highlight',
            source = 'DrivingFocusLight',
            label = 'Green highlight',
            source = 'DrivingFocusDark',
            label = 'Blue drip',
            source = 'DRUG_2_drive',
            label = 'Purple drip',
            source = 'drug_drive_blend02',
            label = 'Under water',
            source = 'Drug_deadman',
            label = 'Pure green',
            source = 'drug_flying_02',
            label = 'Pure pink',
            source = 'drug_flying_base',
            label = 'More lights',
            source = 'eatra_bouncelight_beach',
            label = 'Contrast',
            source = 'epsilion',
            label = 'Contrast 2',
            source = 'exile1_plane',
            label = 'Bright lights',
            source = 'Facebook_NEW',
            label = 'Bright lights 2',
            source = 'facebook_serveroom',
            label = 'Bright lights 3',
            source = 'FIB_5',
            label = 'Bright lights 4',
            source = 'FIB_6',
            label = 'Bright lights 5',
            source = 'FIB_A',
            label = 'Bright lights 6',
            source = 'FIB_B',
            label = 'Shadow with blur',
            source = 'fp_vig_blue',
            label = 'Green shadow with blur',
            source = 'fp_vig_green',
            label = 'Stripped to green',
            source = 'FranklinColorCode',
            label = 'Stripped to green 2',
            source = 'FranklinColorCodeBasic',
            label = 'Stripped to green 3',
            source = 'FranklinColorCodeBright',
            label = 'Cold colors',
            source = 'glasses_brown',
            label = 'Blue Shade',
            source = 'glasses_Darkblue',
            label = 'Green Shade',
            source = 'glasses_green',
            label = 'Orange shade',
            source = 'glasses_orange',
            label = 'Pink shade',
            source = 'glasses_pink',
            label = 'Purple shade',
            source = 'glasses_purple',
            label = 'Red shade',
            source = 'glasses_red',
            label = 'Orange and green',
            source = 'glasses_yellow',
            label = 'Fog',
            source = 'graveyard_shootout',
            label = 'Unclear shadow',
            source = 'helicamfirst',
            label = 'Red and blue',
            source = 'Hint_cam',
            label = 'Light blue',
            source = 'hud_def_colorgrade',
            label = 'Black and white 2',
            source = 'hud_def_desat_cold_kill',
            label = 'Black and white 3',
            source = 'hud_def_desatcrunch',
            label = 'Beach soft',
            source = 'InchPurple01',
            label = 'White and light blue',
            source = 'int_Hospital2_DM',
            label = 'Low black and blue',
            source = 'introblue',
            label = 'Purple blur',
            source = 'Kifflom',
            label = 'Fade background',
            source = 'michealspliff',
            label = 'Smug',
            source = 'MP_Arena_theme_atlantis',
            label = 'Yellow sky',
            source = 'MP_Arena_theme_evening',
            label = 'Spotlight blue',
            source = 'mp_lad_day',
            label = 'Spotlight red',
            source = 'mp_lad_judgment',
            label = 'Smog 2',
            source = 'nervousRON_fog',
            label = 'Black and white 4',
            source = 'NG_deathfail_BW_base',
            label = 'Hot colors',
            source = 'NG_filmic10',
            label = 'Black and white 5',
            source = 'phone_cam7',
            label = 'Dark fog',
            source = 'SALTONSEA',
            label = 'Dark fog 2',
            source = 'WATER_cove',
            label = 'Under water',
            source = 'underwater_deep',
            label = 'Soft pink',
            source = 'TinyPink01',

config.langs    = {}


config.screenshotWebhook = "" -- Webhook URL for screenshots (if u want use fivemmanage edit tgiann-core screenshot config)

Last updated