Config file
- this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using
tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.test = false -- If set to true you can use the script without the police
config.progressbarTime = 10000
config.maxSellAmount = 3
config.minPolice = 4
config.sellItems = {
{ item = "marijuana", moneyMin = 600, moneyMax = 700 },
{ item = "diamond", moneyMin = 600, moneyMax = 700 },
{ item = "cannabis", moneyMin = 600, moneyMax = 700 },
config.cityCenter = vector3(-53.85, -965.98, 29.36)
config.cityRadius = 1400
if not IsDuplicityVersion() then
config.policeAlert = function(itemName)
-- Your Police Alert Event or Export
config.command = "drugsell"
config.giveMoneyType = "cash"
config.lang = "en"
config.langs = {
en = {
start = "You canceled the sale",
outsideAreaError = "You Can't Sell Here",
vehicleError = "You can't sell in-vehicle",
maxSellItem = "You Can Sell Up To %s Items",
starting = "You have started Selling! Approach Locals to Sell Items",
cancaled = "Sale Canceled! You Can't Sell Here!",
cancaledCars = "Sale Canceled! You can't sell in-vehicle",
noPolice = "Not Enough Cops!",
cancelCommandNotif = "You Are Still Selling, Use %s Again To Cancel",
refuse = "You refused the buyer",
noItem = "Need %s %s for Sale!",
progressBarText = "You Give the Item to the Buyer",
ask = "Ask If The Person Wants to Buy Something",
noWantBuy = "The Person Does Not Want To Buy Anything!",
sell = "Sell",
reject = "Refuse"
tr = {
start = "Köşeyi Tutmaya Bıraktın",
outsideAreaError = "Burada Köşe Tutamazsın",
vehicleError = "Araç İçinde Köşe Tutamazsın!",
maxSellItem = "Köşede En Falza %s Adet Eşya Satabilirsin",
starting = "Köşe Tutmaya Başladın! Eşya Satmak İçin Yerlilere Yanaş",
cancaled = "Köşe Tutma İptal Edildi! Burada Köşe Tutamazsın!",
cancaledCars = "Köşe Tutma İptal Edildi! Araç İçinde Köşe Tutamazsın!",
noPolice = "Yeterli Sayıda Polis Yok!",
cancelCommandNotif = "Hala Köşe Tutuyorsun İptal Etmek İçin Tekrar %s Komutunu Kullan",
refuse = "Alıcıyı Kovdun",
noItem = "Satış için %s Tane %s Lazım!",
progressBarText = "Malzemeyi Alıcıya Veriyorsun",
ask = "Birşeyler Alıp Almak İstediğini Sor",
noWantBuy = "Kişi Birşey Satın Almak İstemiyor!",
sell = "Sat",
reject = "Kov"
Last updated