Config file
The number of houses in the original config file is much higher
- this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using
Client Event List
"tgiann-house:firstLoginControl" | loads player's houses | teleports the player back to the house if the player left the game inside the house
-- if you want to add extra mlo please check interiorData.lua
tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
Config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
Config.test = true -- activates some test features(dev fatures invite yourself into your own home)
Config.command = "house" -- Open blips command
Config.raidCommandEnable = false -- can polices use raid command
Config.lockVehicleInGarage = false -- locks the doors of vehicle in the garage
--If set to true the player can only put own vehicle in the garage
--If it is false, players can put NPC cars and their own cars in the garage
Config.justStoreOwnVehicle = false
Config.policeJobs = {"police", "police2"}
Config.autoSpawnHouseWhenJoiningGame = true -- if the player was last inside the house, when he enters the game, the player is teleported into the house
Config.useOxInventory = false --
Config.Realestate = {
active = false,
jobs = {
Config.disableQbApartments = false --if you are not using qb-apartments set this to true
Config.useTgiannGarage = false --
Config.PlayerMaxHouse = { -- maximum number of houses the player can buy
active = false,
number = 3,
if Config.framework == "esx" then
Config.vehicleTableName = "owned_vehicles"
elseif Config.framework == "qb" then
Config.vehicleTableName = "player_vehicles"
Config.blackListVehicles = {
Config.blackListVehiclesClass = { --
10, --Industrial
14, --Boats
15, --Helicopters
16, --Planes
17, --Service
18, --Emergency
19, --Military
21, --Trains
Config.text = {
["house"] = "House",
["apartment"] = "Apartment",
["myHouse"] = "My House",
["doorKey"] = "[E]",
["garage"] = "Garage",
["settings"] = "House Settings",
["alreadyBuyed"] = "The house has already been bought by someone else",
["boughtHouse"] = "You bought the house",
["dontHaveKey"] = "You don't have the key to the house",
["noMoney"] = "You don't have enough money",
["noBodyOutside"] = "There is no one outside",
["farToDoor"] = "You're too far from the door",
["inviteTimeOut"] = "Invite timed out",
["invitedHouse"] = "You are invited to the house press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to accept",
["noOneNear"] = " There is no one near",
["alreadyHasKey"] = "The player already has the key",
["takenHouseKey"] = "You got the house key",
["giveHouseKey"] = "You gave the key to the house",
["resetHouseKey"] = "House key renewed",
["transferHouse"] = "You transfered the house",
["handoverHouse"] = "You took handover of the house",
["garageFull"] = "Garage is full",
["garageExit"] = "Exit the garage",
["garageBlacklist"] = "You can't park this car in the garage",
["garageError"] = "This vehicle belongs to someone else",
["storage"] = "Storage",
["wardrobe"] = "Wardrobe",
["needApertName"] = "You have to write the name of the apartment room",
["apertNotFound"] = "Apartment not found",
["notFoundDoor"] = "There is no house door near",
["noMoreBuy"] = "You can't buy more houses",
--ESX Wardrobe
["pclot"] = "Player Clothing",
["playerClothes"] = "Clothes",
["removeCloth"] = "Remove Clothes"
Config.UItext = {
["carSlots"] = "Car Slots",
["redBoxFeatureshtml"] = "Features",
["areyousure"] = "Are You Sure?",
["areyousureyes"] = "Yes",
["areyousureno"] = "No",
["inspectGarageText"] = "Inspect the Garage",
["inspectHouseText"] = "Inspect the House",
["buyHouseText"] = "BUY",
["houseInviteText"] = "INVITE IN",
["houseGarageText"] = "GARAGE",
["houseHouseText"] = "HOUSE",
["houseLeaveText"] = "LEAVE",
["houseRaidText"] = "RAID",
["housekeyshtml"] = "House Keys",
["houseGiveKeyText"] = "GIVE KEY",
["houseResetKeyText"] = "RESET KEYS",
["houseTransferText"] = "TRANSFER HOUSE",
["pricehtml"] = "Price",
["houseSellText"] = "Sell",
["viewhtml"] = "View",
["buyhtml"] = "Buy",
["Strip"] = "Strip",
["Booze"] = "Booze",
["Smoke"] = "Smoke",
["Style"] = "Style",
["none"] = "none",
["stage1"] = "stage1",
["stage2"] = "stage2",
["stage3"] = "stage3",
["modern"] = "modern",
["moody"] = "moody",
["vibrant"] = "vibrant",
["monochrome"] = "monochrome",
["seductive"] = "seductive",
["regal"] = "regal",
["aqua"] = "aqua",
["B"] = "B",
["A"] = "A",
["C"] = "C",
["dollar"] = "$"
Config.key = {
door = 38 --If you don't know what it's for, don't change it.
-- Stash size by house star(only works in qb and ox inventory)
Config.QBStorageData = {
[1] = {maxweight = 150000, slots = 50},
[2] = {maxweight = 150000, slots = 50},
[3] = {maxweight = 150000, slots = 50},
[4] = {maxweight = 150000, slots = 50},
[5] = {maxweight = 150000, slots = 50},
--selling price of the house
Config.sellPercent = 0.5 -- max 1.0 (0.5 = %50)
--prices for home settings menu
Config.settingsPrice = {
["GetGTAOHouseLow1Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseMid1Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi8Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi7Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi6Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi5Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi4Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi3Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi2Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOHouseHi1Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOApartmentHi2Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetGTAOApartmentHi1Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetHLApartment1Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetHLApartment2Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetHLApartment3Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetHLApartment4Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetHLApartment5Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetHLApartment6Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100},
["GetExecApartment1Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100, Style = 100},
["GetExecApartment2Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100, Style = 100},
["GetExecApartment3Object"] = { Strip = 100, Booze = 100, Smoke = 100, Style = 100},
House List
Garage List
Config.houseList = {
name = "Buen Vino No.1",
price = 5000000,
star = 5,
doorCoord = vector3(-2587.9123535156, 1910.99609375, 167.49885559082),
garageDoorCoord = vector3(-2596.3701171875, 1930.056640625, 167.3076171875),
garageDoorCoordH = 272.62,
garage = "10cargarage",
interior = "GetExecApartment2Object",
features = {
{ label = "Ultra-luxury", exist = true},
{ label = "Pool", exist = true},
{ label = "Sound insulation", exist = true},
{ label = "Garden", exist = true},
{ label = "Garage", exist = true},
{ label = "landscape", exist = true},
{ label = "Fast Internet", exist = false},
{ label = "Editable Interior Design", exist = false},
{ label = "Safe Neighborhood", exist = false},
name = "Buen Vino No.2",
price = 2000000,
star = 5,
doorCoord = vector3(-2797.71875, 1431.6716308594, 100.92834472656),
garageDoorCoord = vector3(-2785.7995605469, 1432.1091308594, 100.92834472656),
garageDoorCoordH = 231.92,
garage = "10cargarage",
interior = "GetExecApartment1Object",
features = {
{ label = "Ultra-luxury", exist = true},
{ label = "Pool", exist = true},
{ label = "Sound insulation", exist = true},
{ label = "Garden", exist = true},
{ label = "Garage", exist = true},
{ label = "landscape", exist = true},
{ label = "Fast Internet", exist = false},
{ label = "Editable Interior Design", exist = false},
{ label = "Safe Neighborhood", exist = false},
name = "Lake Vinevood No.1",
price = 3000000,
star = 5,
doorCoord = vector3(-113.16439819336, 985.90258789063, 235.75413513184),
garageDoorCoord = vector3(-126.29237365723, 1004.4746704102, 235.73233032227),
garageDoorCoordH = 197.73,
garage = "10cargarage",
interior = "GetExecApartment2Object",
features = {
{ label = "Ultra-luxury", exist = true},
{ label = "Pool", exist = true},
{ label = "Sound insulation", exist = true},
{ label = "Garden", exist = true},
{ label = "Garage", exist = true},
{ label = "landscape", exist = true},
{ label = "Fast Internet", exist = false},
{ label = "Editable Interior Design", exist = false},
{ label = "Safe Neighborhood", exist = true},
name = "Lake Vinevood No.2",
price = 1700000,
star = 5,
doorCoord = vector3(-85.728935241699, 834.73004150391, 235.92039489746),
garageDoorCoord = vector3(-105.24000549316, 825.44500732422, 235.72494506836),
garageDoorCoordH = 6.37,
garage = "10cargarage",
interior = "GetExecApartment1Object",
features = {
{ label = "Cheap price", exist = false},
{ label = "Pool", exist = true},
{ label = "Sound insulation", exist = true},
{ label = "Garden", exist = true},
{ label = "Garage", exist = true},
garageSlots = {
["2cargarage"] = {
{coord = vector3(171.99758911133, -1004.0054931641, -99.270095825195), h = 179.2},
{coord = vector3(175.35864257813, -1004.2197875977, -99.270172119141), h = 179.2},
["6cargarage"] = {
{coord = vector3(203.51440429688, -1003.9301757813, -99.417579650879), h = 176.2},
{coord = vector3(203.74116516113, -997.87878417969, -99.414512634277), h = 176.2},
{coord = vector3(198.36294555664, -1003.6122436523, -99.414512634277), h = 176.2},
{coord = vector3(198.81988525391, -997.17352294922, -99.413627624512), h = 176.2},
{coord = vector3(193.47421264648, -1003.2808837891, -99.414512634277), h = 176.2},
{coord = vector3(193.61109924316, -996.55456542969, -99.414512634277), h = 176.2},
["10cargarage"] = {
{coord = vector3(233.44883728027, -1000.6386108398, -99.563087463379), h = 90.2},
{coord = vector3(233.3602142334, -997.18365478516, -99.563079833984), h = 90.2},
{coord = vector3(233.2492980957, -992.80401611328, -99.56307220459), h = 90.2},
{coord = vector3(233.33786010742, -988.88641357422, -99.563087463379), h = 90.2},
{coord = vector3(233.36799621582, -984.63739013672, -99.563102722168), h = 90.2},
{coord = vector3(223.49592590332, -984.54559326172, -99.563102722168), h = 273.2},
{coord = vector3(223.61753845215, -988.46044921875, -99.563110351563), h = 273.2},
{coord = vector3(223.76684570313, -992.30108642578, -99.563064575195), h = 273.2},
{coord = vector3(224.03680419922, -996.47802734375, -99.563102722168), h = 273.2},
{coord = vector3(224.28117370605, -1000.4204711914, -99.563171386719), h = 273.2},
Last updated