Language File
config.langs.en = {
cantUse = "GPS Device is Password Protected! You can't use it!",
wrongPassword = "Incorrect Password",
noInCar = "You are not in a vehicle",
gpsNoInVehicle = "[ Vehicle is Idle ]",
noGpsCar = "No GPS set for the vehicle!",
alreadyConnect = "You are already connected to a channel!",
connectDesc = "Connect to a GPS channel. If you enter a password while connecting to a previously uncreated channel, you will set the channel's password.",
carGpsDesc = "Change the GPS name of the vehicle you are in. The GPS of the players in the vehicle is automatically set as the name of the vehicle's GPS.",
playerGpsDesc = "Set the GPS code",
placeholderChannel = "Channel",
placeholderPw = "Password",
connectHeader = "Connect to Channel",
favHeader = "My Favorite Channels",
playerColorHeader = "GPS Color",
playerHeader = "GPS Code",
playerGpsName = "GPS Code",
carHeader = "Vehicle Settings",
carColorHeader = "Vehicle GPS Color",
carGpsName = "Vehicle GPS Code",
connectButton = "Connect",
disconnectButton = "Disconnect",
deletePopupDesc = "Are you sure you want to delete the channel?",
miniButtonConnect = "Connect to Channel",
miniButtonDisconnect = "Disconnect from Channel",
miniButtonChannelDelete = "Delete Channel",
chargeAmount = "61%",
followButton = "Follow GPS",
defollowButton = "Stop Following GPS",
setLocationButton = "Mark GPS Location",
accept = "Accept",
cancel = "Cancel",
locationSet = "Location marked on the map",
locationSetError = "You cannot mark your own location on the map",
locationFollowStarted = "GPS following started!",
locationFollowFinished = "GPS following stopped!",
alreadyFollow = "You are already following a GPS!",
tooFar = "Out of range!",
activeGps = "Active GPSs",
Last updated