local actions = {
name = "p_1", -- String > Uniq Name
duration = 2500, -- Int > Duration Time
label = "Eating...", -- String > Text to display on the progress bar
useWhileDead = useWhileDead, -- Boolen | null > Can be used while dead
canCancel = canCancel, -- Boolen | null > The player can cancel it
controlDisables = { -- Table
car = false, -- Boolen | null > Blocks everything related to vehicles
move = false, -- Boolen | null > Prevents the character from moving
combat = true, -- Boolen | null > Prevents punching, aiming, shooting, etc.
mouse = false, -- Boolen | null > Prevents mouse movement, disabling camera rotation
disableRun = true, -- Boolen | null > The player can only walk, but cannot run
animation = { -- Table > Play animation
animDict = "veh@van@ds@base", -- String | null > Animation Dictionary
anim = "hotwire", -- String | null > Animation name
flags = "16", -- String | null > Animation flag
prop = { -- Table > Attach prop 1 to entity
model = "tablet_01" -- String | number | null > Prop model or hash,
bone = 2108, -- Int | null > Bone ID
coords = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Table | null > Axis offset from the center of the entity
rotation = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Table | null > Axis rotation
propTwo = { -- Table > Attach prop 1 to entity
model = "tablet_01" -- String | number | null > Prop model or hash,
bone = 2108, -- Int | null > Bone ID
coords = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Table | null > Axis offset from the center of the entity
rotation = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0 }, -- Table | null > Axis rotation
-- CB Method
exports["tgiann-lumihud"]:Progress(actions, function(canceled)
-- Return Method
local success = exports["tgiann-lumihud"]:Progress(actions)
/hud Menu
Opens the buff that opens with the /hud command
UI Open/Close
Turns ui on and off.
TriggerEvent("tgiann-lumihud:ui", open)
Parameters :
turns hud on if true and off if false
Adds extra hud like food, thirst, health
If you trigger this event while hud is added, it will update hud