Editable Files


local rpemotesReborn = GetResourceState("rpemotes-reborn") ~= "missing"
local cdevEmoteMenu = GetResourceState("cdev_emotemenu") ~= "missing"
local rdAnimations = GetResourceState("rd-animations") ~= "missing"
local cylexAnimMenuV2 = GetResourceState("cylex_animmenuv2") ~= "missing"
local rAnimations = GetResourceState("r_animations") ~= "missing"

--- @return boolean, string @true, send error notification message
function editableCanOpenPhotoCam()

--- @return boolean @true, if player is playing animation
function isPlayingAnim()
    if rpemotesReborn then
        return exports["rpemotes-reborn"]:IsPlayerInAnim()
    elseif cdevEmoteMenu then
        return exports["cdev_emotemenu"]:isAnimRunning()
    elseif rdAnimations then
        return exports["rd-animations"]:IsPlayingAnimation()
    elseif cylexAnimMenuV2 then
        return exports["cylex_animmenuv2"]:getCurrentEmote()
    elseif rAnimations then
        return exports['r_animations']:IsPlayingAnimation()
        print("There is no emote menu resource found. Script work without emote menu.")
        return true


if config.framework then
    if config.animPos.command.active and config.animPos.active then
        tgiCore.CommandsAdd(config.animPos.command.name, LANG.ANIM_POS_COMMAND_DESC, {}, false, function(source, args)
            TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-core:animPos:open", source)

    if config.photoCam.command.active and config.photoCam.active then
        tgiCore.CommandsAdd(config.photoCam.command.name, LANG.PHOTO_CAM_COMMAND_DESC, {}, false, function(source, args)
            TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-core:photoCam:open", source)
    --- Standolone
    if config.animPos.command.active and config.animPos.active then
        RegisterCommand(config.animPos.command.name, function(source, args)
            TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-core:animPos:open", source)

    if config.photoCam.command.active and config.photoCam.active then
        RegisterCommand(config.photoCam.command.name, function(source, args)
            TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-core:photoCam:open", source)

Language File

config.langs.en = {
    ANIM_POS_COMMAND_DESC = "Set the animation position",
    ANIM_POS_DONE = "Confirm",
    ANIM_POS_CANCEL = "Cancel",
    NOT_PLAYING_ANIM = "You are not in an animation, so you can't set the animation position!",
    ANIM_POS_CANT_USE_IN_VEH = "You can't use animation position settings while in a vehicle!",
    ANIM_POS_CAM_HEAD_TEXT = "Adjusting Animation Position",
    PHOTO_CAM_COMMAND_DESC = "Open the photo capture menu",
    PHOTO_CAM_CANT_OPEN_MENU_EDITABLE = "You can't use the menu right now!",
    PHOTO_CAM_CANT_OPEN_DAMAGED = "You can't open the menu for a while because you have taken or dealt damage!",
    PHOTO_CAM_CANT_OPEN_WEAPON = "You can't open the menu while holding a weapon",
    PHOTO_CAM_SCREENSHOT_TAKEN = "Photo captured successfully! URL copied",
    PHOTO_CAM_HEAD_TEXT = "Taking a Photo",
    UI_SHOT = "Take Photo",
    UI_HIDE_INTERFACE = "Hide Interface",
    UI_CLOSE = "<b>ESC</b> to close",
    UI_HEADER_DESC = "Capture professional-looking photos with different effects and settings. Add style to your frames with lighting, color tones, and special filter options!",
    UI_MOVE = "Hold Left to Move",
    UI_ROTATE = "Hold Right to Rotate",
    UI_ZOOM = "Scroll Wheel to Zoom In/Out",
    UI_MENU_EFFECT = "Effects",
    UI_MENU_LIGHT = "Lighting",
    UI_SETTING_VIGNETTE = "Vignette",
    UI_SETTING_VIGNETTE_DESC = "Add a nostalgic and artistic touch to your photos! Highlight the focus point with slight darkening on the edges and create a sense of depth.",
    UI_SETTING_SCREEN_FILTER_DESC = "Add different color tones and effects to your screen to give your captures a unique atmosphere. Change colors and reflect your style with visual effects!",
    UI_SETTING_DOF = "Depth Blur",
    UI_SETTING_DOF_DESC = "Blur areas outside the focus point to create a professional depth effect. Achieve clarity and aesthetic balance in your visuals!",
    UI_SETTING_DOF_STRENGTH = "Depth Blur Strength",
    UI_SETTING_DOF_STRENGTH_DESC = "Adjust the level of blur to highlight the focus point and create the desired depth effect in your scene. Add a professional touch to your visuals!",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT = "Light {0}",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_DESC = "Control the lights in the scene to create the desired lighting ambiance. Turn the lights on or off to shape the atmosphere of your captures!",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_HEIGHT = "Light Height (Light {0})",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_HEIGHT_DESC = "Adjust the height of the light source to add a different atmosphere to your scene.",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS = "Light Brightness (Light {0})",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS_DESC = "Adjust the brightness of the light source to add a different atmosphere to your scene.",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_POSITION_LEFT_RIGHT = "Light Position - Left, Right (Light {0})",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_POSITION_LEFT_RIGHT_DESC = "Move the light left or right to adjust the lighting in the scene as you wish. Shaping the atmosphere of the environment is now in your hands!",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_POSITION_FORWARD_BACK = "Light Position - Forward, Back (Light {0})",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_POSITION_FORWARD_BACK_DESC = "Move the light forward or backward to adjust the lighting in the scene as you wish. Shaping the atmosphere of the environment is now in your hands!",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_COLOR = "Light Color (Light {0})",
    UI_SETTING_LIGHT_COLOR_DESC = "Adjust the light's color to create the desired lighting atmosphere in your scene. The atmosphere is now yours to shape!",

Last updated