local tgiCore = tgiCoreExports:getCore()
local adminPerm = config.tgiannServer and { "tgi" } or config.framework == "qb" and "god" or "admin"
tgiCore.CommandsAdd("givekey", "Give a key (Admin Only)", { { name = "id", help = "Player ID" } }, false, function(source, args)
local src = source
local id = tonumber(args[1])
local Player = config.tgiannServer and tgiCore.getPlayerById(id) or tgiCore.getPlayer(id)
local targetSrc = tgiCore.getSource(Player)
local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(targetSrc)
if not GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed) then
return tgiCore.notif(src, "The player is not inside the vehicle", "error")
TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-hotwire:client:giveKey", targetSrc)
end, adminPerm)
Last updated