Config File

tgiCoreExports            = exports["tgiann-core"]
config                    = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()

config.lang               = "en"

config.itemIMGLocation    = "inventory_images/images" -- Item img location (OX: ox_inventory/web/images | TGIANN: inventory_images/images | QB: qb-inventory/html/images)
config.itemIMGExtension   = ".webp"                   -- ".webp"   -   ".png"

config.playerMaxBuyStroge = {
    active = true,
    amount = 1

config.moneyType          = "bank"

config.blip               = { --
    sprite = 474,
    scale = 0.5,
    colour = 0,
config.coords             = { -- U can edit extra coords
    vector3(-61.76, -1205.11, 28.15),

config.rentDayActive      = true -- false olduğunda depolar sınırsız olur, true olduğunda oyuncu her ay ödeme yapması gerekir.
config.rentDay            = 30   -- Rental period day
config.reBuyDay           = 25   -- After how many days can player pay the rent again?              = 5000 -- Rent Price
config.reSellMoney        = 2500 -- Sell Price

config.weightDivision     = 1000 -- Divide the maxweight value in config.stash by this value and calculate the value to display in UI
config.stash              = {
    {                            -- Default Satash (Lvl 1)
        maxweight = 500000,
        slots = 50,
    { -- Lvl 2
        maxweight = 1000000,
        slots = 100,
        money = 200000,
        items = {
            { item = "storage_upgrade_1", amount = 1 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_2", amount = 3 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_3", amount = 6 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_4", amount = 8 },
    { -- Lvl 3
        maxweight = 2000000,
        slots = 120,
        money = 300000,
        items = {
            { item = "storage_upgrade_1", amount = 3 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_2", amount = 8 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_3", amount = 10 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_4", amount = 14 },
    { -- Lvl 4
        maxweight = 3000000,
        slots = 140,
        money = 400000,
        items = {
            { item = "storage_upgrade_1", amount = 5 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_2", amount = 12 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_3", amount = 15 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_4", amount = 19 },
    { -- Lvl 5
        maxweight = 4000000,
        slots = 160,
        money = 500000,
        items = {
            { item = "storage_upgrade_1", amount = 7 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_2", amount = 16 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_3", amount = 20 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_4", amount = 24 },
    { -- Lvl 6
        maxweight = 7000000,
        slots = 200,
        money = 1000000,
        items = {
            { item = "storage_upgrade_1", amount = 10 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_2", amount = 18 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_3", amount = 26 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_4", amount = 30 },
    { -- Lvl 7
        maxweight = 10000000,
        slots = 300,
        money = 2000000,
        items = {
            { item = "storage_upgrade_1", amount = 13 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_2", amount = 22 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_3", amount = 30 },
            { item = "storage_upgrade_4", amount = 38 },

config.langs              = {} -- Don't change

Last updated