local adminPerm = config.framework == "qb" and "god" or "admin"
tgiCore.CommandsAdd("skin", "Admin Skin Menu", {}, false, function(source, args)
TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-clothing:client:openMenu", source, true)
end, adminPerm)
tgiCore.CommandsAdd("ped", "Change Player Ped", {{name="id", help="Player Server Id"}, {name="hash", help="Pad Name or Hash"}}, false, function(source, args)
local xPlayer = tgiCore.getPlayer(args[1])
if xPlayer then
TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-clothing:client:changePed", tgiCore.getPlayer(xPlayer), args[2])
end, adminPerm)
tgiCore.CommandsAdd("pskin", "Take Yourself the Skin Data of a Different Player", {{name="citizenid/licanceId", help="QB: Citizenid | ESX: licance Id"}}, false, function(source, args)
if args[1] then
TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-clothing:loadOtherPlayerSkin", source, args[1])
end, adminPerm)
tgiCore.CommandsAdd("pcopy", "Creates a copy of you that only appears in your client", {}, false, function(source, args)
TriggerClientEvent("tgiann-clothing:copyped", source)
end, adminPerm)
Last updated