Last updated
Last updated
If you have ox_inventory script delete it
Note: Some of your scripts may not work without ox_inventory
. Therefore, check the errors in your console and adjust the fxmanifest
files of the scripts that require ox_inventory
. When you make these adjustments, you might encounter export errors. Replace the old exports with the exports from tgiann-inventory
to fix these issues.
Open "qbx_core\server\main.lua" file
Find and delete the 4 lines in the screenshot
Open "qbx_core\bridge\qb\server\main.lua" file
Find and delete the 2 lines in the screenshot
Open "qbx_core\bridge\qb\shared\main.lua" file
Find and delete all codes in the screenshot
Open "qbx_core\shared\main.lua" file
and add the following code on line 2
Open "qbx_core\bridge\qb\client\functions.lua" file
Find the "functions.HasItem = function(items, amount)" and replace it with the following code
Open "qbx_core\bridge\qb\server\functions.lua" file
Find the "functions.HasItem = function(source, items, amount) -- luacheck: ignore" and replace it with the following code
Open "qbx_core\modules\utlis.lua" file
Find the "functions.HasItem = function(source, items, amount) -- luacheck: ignore" and replace it with the following code
Find the "functions.HasItem = function(items, amount) -- luacheck: ignore" and replace it with the following code
Upload sql_main.sql to your database
Start tgiann-inventory and use convertox ( server/convert.lua ) on cmd/live console