- this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using
Also this may interest you - https://tgiann.tebex.io/package/5264092
tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()
config.taskBarActive = false
config.esxUserPerm = "user" -- {"user", "admin", "mod"}
config.devMode = true -- You can adjust the position of the animation while this mode is active. (one player must be attached to the other player)
Commands: /erpdev rot | /erpdev x | /erpdev y | /erpdev z
Arrow Up: increase value
Arrow Down: decrease value
Shift: increase/decrease value fast
Ctrl: increase/decrease value slow
car = is car animation [true/false]
driveSeat = is driver seat [false/true]
flag = animation flag [int]
dict = animation dictionary
anim = animation name
attach = attach player to other player (It is recommended to set true for targetPlayer only)
rot = player rotation for attach, if set to false the value will be 0.0 (attach setting needs to be true) [false/number]
x = player x for attach, if set to false the value will be 0.0 (attach setting needs to be true) [false/number]
y = player y for attach, if set to false the value will be 0.0 (attach setting needs to be true) [false/number]
z = player z for attach, if set to false the value will be 0.0 (attach setting needs to be true) [false/number]
config.animations = {
commandName = "p1",
commandDesc = "Position 1(Man)",
targetPlayer = {
car = false,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 15,
dict = "rcmpaparazzo_2",
anim = "shag_loop_poppy",
attach = true,
rot = 0.0,
x = -0.05,
y = 0.25,
z = 0.0,
player = {
car = false,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 15,
dict = "rcmpaparazzo_2",
anim = "shag_loop_a",
attach = false,
commandName = "p2",
commandDesc = "Position 2(Man)",
targetPlayer = {
car = false,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 1,
dict = "misscarsteal2pimpsex",
anim = "pimpsex_hooker",
attach = true,
rot = 183.0,
x = 0.028,
y = 0.583,
z = -0.117,
player = {
car = false,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 1,
dict = "misscarsteal2pimpsex",
anim = "pimpsex_punter",
attach = false,
commandName = "p3",
commandDesc = "Position 3(Man)",
targetPlayer = {
car = false,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 1,
dict = "misscarsteal2pimpsex",
anim = "shagloop_hooker",
attach = true,
rot = 189.4,
x = -0.033,
y = 0.38,
z = -0.163,
player = {
car = false,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 1,
dict = "misscarsteal2pimpsex",
anim = "shagloop_pimp",
attach = false,
commandName = "p4",
commandDesc = "Position 4(Man) (Vehicle)",
targetPlayer = {
car = true,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 1,
dict = "oddjobs@assassinate@vice@sex",
anim = "frontseat_carsex_loop_f",
attach = false,
player = {
car = true,
driveSeat = true,
flag = 1,
dict = "oddjobs@assassinate@vice@sex",
anim = "frontseat_carsex_loop_m",
attach = false,
commandName = "p5",
commandDesc = "Position 5(Man) (Vehicle)",
targetPlayer = {
car = true,
driveSeat = true,
flag = 1,
dict = "random@drunk_driver_2",
anim = "cardrunksex_loop_f",
attach = false,
player = {
car = true,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 1,
dict = "random@drunk_driver_2",
anim = "cardrunksex_loop_m",
attach = false,
commandName = "p6",
commandDesc = "Position 6(Man) (Vehicle)",
targetPlayer = {
car = true,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 32,
dict = "mini@prostitutes@sexnorm_veh",
anim = "bj_loop_prostitute",
attach = false,
player = {
car = true,
driveSeat = true,
flag = 49,
dict = "mini@prostitutes@sexnorm_veh",
anim = "bj_loop_male",
attach = false,
commandName = "p7",
commandDesc = "Position 7(Man) (Vehicle)",
targetPlayer = {
car = true,
driveSeat = false,
flag = 32,
dict = "oddjobs@towing",
anim = "f_blow_job_loop",
attach = false,
player = {
car = true,
driveSeat = true,
flag = 49,
dict = "oddjobs@towing",
anim = "m_blow_job_loop",
attach = false,
config.lang = {
playerId = "Player ID",
noOnline = "Player is not online",
noPerm = "You don't have permission with the player!",
noPermAnyPlayer = "You don't have permission with any Player!",
noNear = "The player is not near",
request = "Request Sent to Player",
alreadyPerm = "You already have permission with this player",
revokePerm = "You revoke the allowed permissions!",
acceptRequest = "Player Accepts E-RP request",
deniedRequest = "Player Denied E-RP request",
uCantFckUrSelf = "you can't fuck yourself",
pressAccept = "%s asks for ERP Permission, Press the [Y] to accept [X] to reject",
timeOut = "Request Timed Out",
accept = "Request Accepted",
cancel = "Request Rejected",
notInCar = "You are not in the car!",
notRightSeat = "You Are Not In The Right Seat",
notUseAnimVehicle = "You Cannot Make This Animation In The Vehicle",
action = "You are in already action"
config.commands = {
ferp = { -- Admin Command
commandName = "ferp",
commandDesc = "Force ERP",
permEsx = {"admin", "mod"},
permQb = "god"
erp = {
commandName = "erp",
commandDesc = "Request Player E-RP Permission! Commands: /p1 - /p7"
erpcancel = {
commandName = "erpcancel",
commandDesc = "Revoke E-RP permissions"
config.keys = {
cancel = 73, -- X
accept = 246, -- Y
Last updated