Config file

    - this script needs tgiann-core script to work, you can download the script from your keymaster account
      Start tgiann-core script after es_extented/qb-core script and before tgiann-* scripts
      Adjust the tgiann-core config file according to the framework you are using

tgiCoreExports = exports["tgiann-core"]
config = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()

if config.framework == "esx" then
    config.vehicleTableName = "owned_vehicles"
elseif config.framework == "qb" then
    config.vehicleTableName = "player_vehicles"

config.ResellPercentage = 0.75 --money to be refunded when the purchased vehicle is sold back to the dealership
config.npcSellPercentage = 0.25 -- When a vehicle is purchased from the NPC gallery, what percentage of the vehicle will be given to the cardealer job
config.dealerBuyPercentage = 0.90 -- At what percent price the gallery owner will buy the vehicle (example: Vehicle Price 100.000, config Value 0.90, New Buy Price = 100000*0.90= 90000$)

config.PlateLetters = 3
config.PlateNumbers = 3
config.PlateUseSpace = true

config.jobname = "cardealer"

config.testCarTime = 90
config.testCarPrice = 500

config.activeStockSystem = true

config.blipCoord = vector3(-43.52, -1099.02, 26.42)
config.ShopInside = vector3(-75.776741027832, -821.27557373047, 284.73159790039)
config.ShopInsideHeading = 193.0
config.BuySpawnCarCoord = vector4(-29.71, -1088.74, 26.42, 338.26)
config.DealerCarSpawn = vector4(-37.31, -1102.53, 26.42, 337.23)
config.carDealerMaxStock = 2
config.lang = "en"
config.langs = {
	tr = {
		unknown = "Bilinmiyor",
		noInStock = "Stokta Araç Yok",
		returnVehicle = "Aracı üreticiye iade et",
		buyVehicle = "Araç Satın Al",
		popVehicle = "Stoktan Araç Çıkart",
		depopVehicle = "Aracı Stoğa Geri Koy",
		createBill = "Fatura oluştur",
		sellClosestPlayer = "Aracı At [Yakındaki Oyuncu]",
		notFoundSellVehicle = "Satılacak Araç Bulunamadı",
		invoiceAmount = "Fatura tutarı",
		invalidQuantity = "Gerçersiz tutar",
		noFoundNearbyPlayer = "Yakında oyuncu bulunamadı",
		vehicleGallery = "Araç Galerisi",
		npcActive = "Aktif",
		npcPassive = "Pasif",
		bossAction = "Patron işlemleri",
		soldVehicle = "Satılan Araçlar listesi",
		npcGalleryStatus = "NPC Galeri Durum: ",
		soldVehicleHeader = { "Müşteri", "Model", "Plaka", "Satıcı", "Tarih" },
		npcNowActive = "NPC galeri aktif",
		npcNowPassive = "NPC galeri pasif",
		openCatalog = "Kataloğu Aç",
		sellVehicle = "Aracı Sat",
		cancel = "İptal",
		sellVehicleProvider = "Aracı Sat ($%s)",
		notBelongYou = "Bu araç sana ait değil",
		youCantSellVehicle = "Bu Aracı Galeriye Geri Satamazsın",
		selledVehicle = "%s model araç %s$ fiyatına satıldı",
		vehicleLoading = "Arac modeli yükleniyor! Lütfen bekleyiniz...",
		carDealerIsActive = "Şehirde aktif galerici bulunduğu için oto katalogtan araç satın alamazsın!",
		disableCatalog = "Galeri sahibi tarafından oto katalog devre dışı bırakıldı",
		noSpawnLocClear = "Yakınlardaki araç yüzünden araç satın alınamıyor!",
		noSpawnLocClear2 = "Spawn noktasında zaten bir araç var",
		boughtVehicle = "Bir araç satın alındı",
		noMoneyInCompany = "Şirket hesabınızda yeterli para yok",
		maxvVehicleStock = "Araç stoğuna maksimum %s araç koyabilirsin!",
		testDriveStarted = "%s Saniyelik test sürüşü başladı!",
		noTestSpawnLocClear = "Yakınlardaki Araç Yüzünden Test Sürüşü Başlatılamıyor",
		vehicleIsNowYours = "%s plakalı araç artık senin",
		vehicleTransferredPlayer = "%s plakalı araç %s kişisine devredildi",
		npcName = "NPC",
		noMoney = "Yeterli Paran Yok",
		outOfStock = "Stokta Bu Araçtan Yok",
		soldFor = "%s$ Karşılığında Satıldı",
		adminStockChanged = "Araç stoğu Değiştirildi",
		adminCmdError1 = "Girdiğiniz Araç Adeti Değeri Bir Sayı Olmalıdır!",
		adminCmdError2 = "Araç Modeli veya Adeti Boş Olamaz!",
		cantSellError = "Aracı galeri fiyatından fazlasına satamazsın",
	en = {
		unknown = "Unknown",
		noInStock = "No Vehicles in Stock",
		returnVehicle = "Return the vehicle to the provider",
		buyVehicle = "Buy Vehicle",
		popVehicle = "Put out vehicle for sale",
		depopVehicle = "Return vehicle to garage",
		createBill = "Create bill",
		sellClosestPlayer = "Sell Vehicle [Nearby Player]",
		notFoundSellVehicle = "No Vehicle Found",
		invoiceAmount = "Invoice amount",
		invalidQuantity = "Invalid Quantity",
		noFoundNearbyPlayer = "No players found nearby",
		vehicleGallery = "Vehicle Gallery",
		npcActive = "Active",
		npcPassive = "Passive",
		bossAction = "Boss Action",
		soldVehicle = "list of sold vehicles",
		npcGalleryStatus = "NPC gallery status: ",
		soldVehicleHeader = { "Customer", "Model", "Plate", "Seller", "Date" },
		npcNowActive = "NPC gallery active",
		npcNowPassive = "NPC gallery passive",
		openCatalog = "Open catalog",
		sellVehicle = "Sell vehicle",
		notBelongYou = "This vehicle does not belong to you",
		youCantSellVehicle = "You Cannot Sell This Vehicle Back to the Gallery",
		selledVehicle = "%s model vehicle sold for %s$",
		vehicleLoading = "The vehicle model is loading! Please wait...",
		carDealerIsActive = "You cannot buy a vehicle from the vehicle catalog because there is an active cardealer in the city!",
		disableCatalog = "VEhicle catalog disabled by car dealer owner",
		noSpawnLocClear = "Unable to purchase vehicle because of nearby vehicle!",
		noSpawnLocClear2 = "There is already a vehicle at the spawn point",
		boughtVehicle = "You bought a vehicle",
		noMoneyInCompany = "There is not enough money in your company account",
		maxvVehicleStock = "You can put a maximum of %s vehicles in your vehicle stock!" ,
		testDriveStarted = "%s Second Test Drive Started!",
		noTestSpawnLocClear = "Unable to Start Test Drive due to Nearby Vehicle",
		vehicleIsNowYours = "The vehicle with license plate 321 is now yours",
		vehicleTransferredPlayer = "The vehicle with license plate %s was transferred to %s",
		npcName = "NPC",
		noMoney = "You Don't Have Enough Money",
		outOfStock = "Out of Stock This Vehicle",
		soldFor = "Sold for $%s",
		adminStockChanged = "Vehicle stock Changed",
		adminCmdError1 = "The Vehicle Stock Quantity Value You Enter Must Be A Number!",
		adminCmdError2 = "Vehicle Model or Quantity Cannot Be Empty!",
		cantSellError = "You cannot sell the vehicle for more than the showroom price",

config.Zones = {
	OpenResellerMenu = {
		vector4(-32.51, -1102.32, 26.42, 242.01)

	BossActions = {
		vector4(-32.15, -1114.41, 26.42, 114.74)

	Showroom = {
		vector3(-43.51, -1105.49, 26.3),

	ResellVehicle = {
		vector3(-2000.3, 3194.62, 32.81),
} = {
        coord = vector4(-47.13, -1093.72, 25.15, 134.49),
        model = `tenf2`,
        spawnId = 0
        coord = vector4(-41.44, -1095.95, 25.15, 134.49),
        model = `corsita`,
        spawnId = 0
        coord = vector4(-37.47, -1088.09, 25.15, 250.1),
        model = `jester`,
        spawnId = 0

config.carList = {
	["Motorcycle"] = {
		[`gargoyle`] = {
			["model"] = "gargoyle",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 40000,
		[`sanctus`] = {
			["model"] = "sanctus",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 95000,
		[`nightblade`] = {
			["model"] = "nightblade",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 85000,
		[`avarus`] = {
			["model"] = "avarus",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 35000,
		[`chimera`] = {
			["model"] = "chimera",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 45000,
		[`wolfsbane`] = {
			["model"] = "wolfsbane",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 55000,
		[`zombieb`] = {
			["model"] = "zombieb",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 45000,
		[`akuma`] = {
			["model"] = "akuma",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 75000,
		[`bagger`] = {
			["model"] = "bagger",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 50000,
		[`bati`] = {
			["model"] = "bati",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 82000,
		[`carbonrs`] = {
			["model"] = "carbonrs",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 78000,
		[`daemon`] = {
			["model"] = "daemon",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 45000,
		[`double`] = {
			["model"] = "double",
			["count"] = 5,
			["price"] = 76000,
		[`faggio`] = {
			["model"] = "faggio",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 1000,
		[`hakuchou`] = {
			["model"] = "hakuchou",
			["count"] = 3,
			["price"] = 85000,
		[`hexer`] = {
			["model"] = "hexer",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 45000,
		[`innovation`] = {
			["model"] = "innovation",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 65000,
		[`nemesis`] = {
			["model"] = "nemesis",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 35000,
		[`ruffian`] = {
			["model"] = "ruffian",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 65000,
		[`sanchez2`] = {
			["model"] = "sanchez2",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 35000,
		[`sovereign`] = {
			["model"] = "sovereign",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 55000,
		[`vader`] = {
			["model"] = "vader",
			["count"] = 10,
			["price"] = 52000,
	["Bicycle"] = {
		[`tribike`] = {
			["model"] = "tribike",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 350,
		[`tribike2`] = {
			["model"] = "tribike2",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 250,
		[`bmx`] = {
			["model"] = "bmx",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 300,
		[`cruiser`] = {
			["model"] = "cruiser",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 500,
		[`tribike3`] = {
			["model"] = "tribike3",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 300,
		[`fixter`] = {
			["model"] = "fixter",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 250,
		[`scorcher`] = {
			["model"] = "scorcher",
			["count"] = 500000,
			["price"] = 450,
	["S Class"] = {
		[`previon`] = {
			["model"] = "previon",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 240000,
		[`vectre`] = {
			["model"] = "vectre",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 252000,
		[`dominator7`] = {
			["model"] = "dominator7",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 242000,
		[`comet6`] = {
			["model"] = "comet6",
			["count"] = 0,
			["price"] = 262000,
		[`remus`] = {
			["model"] = "remus",
			["count"] = 0,
			["price"] = 200000,
		[`tailgater2`] = {
			["model"] = "tailgater2",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 230000,
		[`rt3000`] = {
			["model"] = "rt3000",
			["count"] = 0,
			["price"] = 250000,
		[`dominator8`] = {
			["model"] = "dominator8",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 230000,
		[`euros`] = {
			["model"] = "euros",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 265000,
		[`futo2`] = {
			["model"] = "futo2",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 200000,
		[`calico`] = {
			["model"] = "calico",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 245000,
		[`italirsx`] = {
			["model"] = "italirsx",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 345000,
		[`coquette4`] = {
			["model"] = "coquette4",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 335000,
		[`tigon`] = {
			["model"] = "tigon",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 355000,
		[`elegy`] = {
			["model"] = "elegy",
			["count"] = 2,
			["price"] = 258000,

Last updated