
tgiCoreExports               = exports["tgiann-core"]
config                       = tgiCoreExports:getConfig()

config.lang                  = "en"
config.locale                = {
    timeLocale = "en-EN",
    moneyLocale = "en-EN",
    moneyCurrency = "USD",

config.playerMaxAccountLimit = 3

-- When a player deposits or withdraws money, a percentage of the money is withheld as a government tax.
-- (this amount of money will be deleted from the game and will not be transferred anywhere, but you can prevent this by editing the addGovernmentTax function to make the money one.)
config.governmentTax         = 0.05

-- When this setting is enabled, the ATM's internal balance adjusts as money is deposited or withdrawn.
-- Note that if a player tries to withdraw an amount smaller than what is available in the ATM, the withdrawal will not be permitted.
config.atmMoney              = true

config.playerOwnable         = {
    active = true,
    default = {
        earnPercent = 0.05,                  -- The value is multiplayer (0.1 = 10%) (the money spent by the player * earnPercent)
        price = 10000,                       -- The rent price of the shop company
        rentMoneyPercent = 0.5,              -- The value is multip
        rentPeriodDay = 7,                   -- Period in days that the players can rent company
        rentPayBeforeDay = 3,                -- Period in days that the player can renew his rent before it ends
    custom = {                               -- You can use the 'getatmcoords' command to get the coordinates of the ATM
            coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), -- ATM Coords
            config = {
                earnPercent = 0.1,           -- The value is multiplayer (0.1 = 10%) (the money spent by the player * earnPercent)
                price = 10000,               -- The rent price of the shop company
                rentMoneyPercent = 0.1,      -- The value is multip
                rentPeriodDay = 3,           -- Period in days that the players can rent company
                rentPayBeforeDay = 1,        -- Period in days that the player can renew his rent before it ends
            coords = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            config = {
                earnPercent = 0.1,      -- The value is multiplayer (0.1 = 10%) (the money spent by the player * earnPercent)
                price = 10000,          -- The rent price of the shop company
                rentMoneyPercent = 0.1, -- The value is multip
                rentPeriodDay = 3,      -- Period in days that the players can rent company
                rentPayBeforeDay = 1,   -- Period in days that the player can renew his rent before it ends

config.phoneScripts          = { -- u can add custom phone scripts from server/editable.lua getPlayerFriends function
    lbPhone = GetResourceState("lb-phone") ~= "missing",
    tgiannPhone = GetResourceState("tgiann-phone") ~= "missing",
    qbPhone = GetResourceState("qb-phone") ~= "missing",

-- permList: | "can_withdraw" | "can_deposit" | "can_transfer" | "can_ask"
config.jobAccounts           = {
        jobName = "police",
        accountName = "Police Account",
        ibanNumber = "P000LS120000TG001234", -- unique iban number (don't use space)
        gradePerms = {                       -- un added graders cannot view the account.
            [2] = {
                ["can_withdraw"] = false,
                ["can_deposit"] = true,
                ["can_transfer"] = false,
                ["can_ask"] = false,
            [3] = {
                ["can_withdraw"] = false,
                ["can_deposit"] = true,
                ["can_transfer"] = false,
                ["can_ask"] = false,
            [4] = {
                ["can_withdraw"] = true,
                ["can_deposit"] = true,
                ["can_transfer"] = true,
                ["can_ask"] = true,

config.atmObject             = {

config.atmCoords             = { -- You can add an ATM with coordinates to places that do not have an ATM' prop.
    vector3(441.4060, -987.7553, 30.6896),

config.textOffset            = {
    [`prop_atm_01`] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    [`prop_atm_02`] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    [`prop_atm_03`] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    [`prop_fleeca_atm`] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    [`v_5_b_atm1`] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
    [`v_5_b_atm`] = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),

config.langs                 = {}
config.debug                 = false

Last updated