Config file

Config = {}
Config.framework = "esx" -- "esx"    -    "qb"
Config.mysql = "mysql" -- oxmysql    -   mysql  [Don't forget to edit the fxmanifest file]
Config.stashCoord = vector3(132.81213378906, 73.271018981934, 80.026870727539)
Config.esxStashPutWeapon = false -- If your weapons are not items, set this setting to true (Disable)

Config.oxInventory = {
    active = true,
    slots = 10,
    maxweight = 1000,

Config.blip = {
    sprite = 473,
    scale = 0.5,
    colour = 41,
    name = "Stash House",
Config.qbStash = {
    maxweight = 4000000,
    slots = 500
Config.price = 50000
Config.resellPercent = 0.5
Config.text = {
    ["noMoney"] = "You don't have enough money"

Last updated