Weapon Wheel

  1. Open "es_extended\config.lua" file

  2. Set Config.DisableWeaponWheel to true

AddPlayerMethod Function

  1. Open "es_extended\server\functions.lua" file

  2. Add the following code to the bottom or top of the file

function ESX.AddPlayerMethod(ids, methodName, handler)
    local idType = type(ids)
    if idType == 'number' then
        ESX.Players[ids][methodName] = handler
    elseif idType == 'table' and table.type(ids) == 'array' then
        for i = 1, #ids do
            ESX.AddPlayerMethod(ids[i], methodName, handler)

Edit ESX.UseItem Function

  1. Open "es_extended\server\functions.lua" file

  2. Find "ESX.UseItem(source, item, ...)" function

  3. Replace with the following code function

function ESX.UseItem(_, itemName, ...)
    local itemData = Core.UsableItemsCallbacks[itemName]

    if itemData then
        local callback = type(itemData) == 'table' and
            (rawget(itemData, '__cfx_functionReference') and itemData or itemData.cb or itemData.callback) or
            type(itemData) == 'function' and itemData
        if not callback then return end

SetPlayerItems and SetPlayerClotheItems

  1. Open "es_extended\server\classes\player.lua" file

  2. Add above return self at the bottom of the file

function self.SetPlayerItems(items)
    self.items = items
    local stateBag = Player(self.source).state
    stateBag:set("items", self.items, true)

function self.SetPlayerClotheItems(clotheItems)
    self.clotheItems = clotheItems
    local stateBag = Player(self.source).state
    stateBag:set("clotheItems", self.clotheItems, true)

Item List

  1. Enter the "es_extended" folder

  2. download the following item list and put it in the es_extended main directory

  1. Open "es_extended\fxmanifest.lua" file

  2. Add at the bottom of server_scripts and client_scripts


Ready-edited Files

Version 1.10.6

Last updated